Thanks to Our
Sustaining Members

(Click logos for more information)

of Glen Tay
1% For The Planet Contributor


of Perth


Tax Experts: Perth, Smiths Falls, Arnprior, Renfrew
1% For The Planet Contributor


Restaurant of Perth


Radio in Perth
(Formerly Lake 88.1)


Hourglass Cafe



(Click logos for more information)

What's New in the Tay Watershed

  1. The Butterflyway Diaries, Episode 6
    Clara Misener, recipient of our association's 2023 Water Guardian Bursary, is featured in this beautiful article on a butterfly garden in Perth's Stewart Park: Click here

  2. Internal Waves ~ January 2025
    The Friends have released our Association's January 2025 newsletter.
    Click here for PDF Version.
    Thanks to all members who have renewed their membership. If you havent yet done so, please see the newsletter above or go to the Membership page

  3. Environmental Award- 2024
    Updated list of Annual Environmental Awards - Click here

  4. Submission by Friends re Caivan Development in Perth
    For the Friends' submission to Perth on the Caivan development on the Perth Golf Club land ~ click here.

  5. Bridges of the Tay Canal and Perth
    Read this interesting article about the bridges in Perth and the surrounding area area ~ click here

  6. Archival News

  7. The Passing of our President
    Our association's Board was shocked to be informed on Sept. 11th of the sudden passing of our President, Glenn Tunnock. Glenn had stepped down temporarily from the Board recently, as he had commenced treatment for stage 4 melanoma. As President for five years from mid-2019, Glenn brought a previously unavailable level of professional experience in planning to the association that added considerably to our ability - and that of the larger community - to address water and watershed issues. He will be greatly missed by our association, as well as the wider area environmental community, for his immensely valuable contribution.
    The service for Glenn was at St. Paul's United Church at 11:am, Friday, Sept. 20th.
    The obituary for Glenn is up on Blair and Son's website ~ click here .

  8. Wetlands Article ~ The Humm - August 2024
    Our Area Wetlands Threatened: information on the recent decision by the Ontario Government targeting the protection of wetlands in eastern Ontario, at a time when Canada's rural areas most need the benefit that these provide in the care of our water resources and fire and flood suppression. See Provincial Ruling Threatens Wetlands article by Sue Brandum ~ click here
    Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority has not (to date) been affected by the Ministerial order. The 3 Conservation Authorities affected are South Nation, Raisin Region, and Rideau Valley.
    Wetland mapping in MVCA's jurisdiction was completed and approved in 2017 and remains regulated and in effect today (wetlands equal or greater than 0.5 hectares). You can access MVCA's wetland mapping layer by clicking here.
    Readers interested in the location of wetlands and floodplains of the Tay Watershed will find the present mapping for these by clicking here .

  9. Tay River Clean-up Day - September 21, 2024 ~ POSTPONED UNTIL 2025
    This is a day where the Friends are seeking volunteers to help clean up the Tay River and canal between Glen Tay and Last Duel Park.
    To see the Volunteer Registration Form and Volunteer Guidelines ~ please CLICK HERE.
    The date for the cleanup in 2025 will be announced soon.

  10. Our 23rd AnniversaryWatershed Discovery Day
    • Many people came to help us celebrate our 23rd Anniversay Watershed Discovery Day at the Farmers' Market in the Chrystal Palace in Perth on Saturday August 17th from 8am to 1 pm. See our informative exhibits, our hands-on activities, discovery tables, our singers as well as a Story Corner that both young AND old enjoyed.
      See our poster
      Pictures of this event

  11. OMYA Report on WaterTaking - 2024
    Report provided at their annual presentation ~ Click here
    For their more detailed report ~ Click here

  12. RVCA Building Bridges: Annual Report Highlights
    Click here for the report summary.

  13. Tay Walk - May 25, 2024 from 2 to 4pm
    Come and join ua for an educational, family friendly walking tour along the Tay through Perth, led by experts in local waterway ecolology, wildlife, waterway protection and history.
    To see more details ~ click here.
    To see poster / map - click here
    Tay Walk Pictures

  14. Interview on All About The House on myFM
    Listen to the interview of Glenn Tunnock, President on myFM on May 11, 2024 ~ Click here

  15. Trashure Hunt - April 20, 2024
    The Friends display at the bandshell ~ see attached

  16. FoTW AGM - Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 2:30pm
      AGM held virtually via Zoom Details

  17. 2023 Annual Report

  18. Water Guardian Bursary 2024
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed continue to support students who are interested in the environment through our annual Water Guardian Bursary program. Each year, thanks to our sponsors, we offer a $1,000 bursary to a deserving student from our watershed.
      Submissions for the 2024 bursary program will be accepted until March 31, 2024 and the winner will be announced by April 26, 2024.
      More details will be posted here soon.
      For more IMORTANT information, please click here.
      For the fillable application form, please click here or on the button on the right.
      The winners of this year's Water Guardian Bursaries have been selected ~ please see attached.

  19. Internal Waves ~ January 2024
    The Friends have released our Association's January 2024 newsletter.
    Click here for PDF Version.
    Thanks to all members who have renewed their membership. If you havent yet done so, please see the newsletter above of go to the Membership page

  20. Drinking Water Wise Webinars
    Click on the link below to view recorded webinars such Harmful Algal Blooms or Reality and Rural Drinking Water, or scroll down to register for the latest webinars such as Septic Systems 101, Reality Á Rural Drinking Water, or Rural Drinking Water Á Human Health.
      Drinking Water Wise Webinars

  21. New Well Water Drop Off Location
    As of Nov.6th, the well water drop off location at "The Office" in Perth will no longer be available. Instead, residents will be able to drop off their filled sample bottles at the Tay Valley Township Office at 217 Harper Road.
    For more information, please click here.

  22. Presentation of Maximilian Restaurant's Gift Certificate at Watershed Discovery Day

  23. Our 22nd AnniversaryWatershed Discovery Day
      Come to help us celebrate our 22nd Anniversay Watershed Discovery Day at the Farmers' Market in the Chrystal Palace in Perth on Saturday August 12th from 8am to 1 pm. See our informative exhibits, our hands-on activities, discovery tables, our singer Matt Dickson as well as a Story Corner that both young AND old will enjoy.
      See our poster
      Pictures of this event  

  24. Love Your Lake Program

  25. MNFR Tips Line
      To report suspect illegal fishing, unsafe / dangerous boating prractices ~ click here

  26. FoTW Environmental Awards 2022
      On May 25th the Friends presented the Environmental Awards for 2022 ~ see attached

  27. FoTW AGM - Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 2:30pm
      AGM held virtually via Zoom Details

  28. 2022 Annual Report

  29. Climate Change Action Webinar

  30. Membership Draw for two Gift Certificates to Maximilian Restaurant:
      THANK YOU to our new and renewing members for supporting the programs of the Friends!!! For the last several years our corporate sponsor "Maximilian Restaurant" has generously provided us with two $50 gift certificates to their restaurant to be awarded as a membership draw for members who have taken out or renewed their memberships each year. This year, one gift certificate will be awarded at our AGM on May 11th and the second one at Watershed Discovery Day on August 12th. This should provide even more incentive to renew your memberships, which you can do by clicking here.

  31. Water Guardian Bursary 2023

  32. Master Gardeners Webinar: Lakeside Properties: What to Plant and Why - February 13, 2023
      The Master Gardeners, together with Brandan Holden of RVCA, will provide information on the reasons people should plant certain trees, shrubs, etc. at their lake properties.
      More information.
      Click here to join the webinar at 7:30pm .

  33. REAL ~ Journey to Sustainability Webinar - February 9, 2023

  34. World Wetlands Day - February 2, 2023
      February 2nd is World Wetlands Day - a day to consider and cherish all of the activities that are being carried out to protect the wetlands all around the world.
      As indicated on the World Wetlands Day website, 35% of the world's wetlands have disappeared in the last 50 years and they need to be restored.
      Watershed Canada - Infographic.

  35. Lake Links Webinar Recordings
      You can also now watch some very interesting recordings from the Lake Links Webinar 2022 on the event's webpage by clicking here ~ scroll down for each recording.

  36. Ontario Bill 23- More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022

  37. Highly Vulnerable Aquifers

  38. Our 21st Anniversary Watershed Discovery Day

  39. Lake Protection Workbook
      Watershed Canada has produced a revised version of their Lake Protection Workbook.
      See their attached message to access this workbook either online or in hard copy ~ click here

  40. Private Drinking Water Study
      RVCA is undertaking a new drinking water study involving 7 lakes. The survey will attempt to determine the pattern of water taking, be it from the lake (surface) or wells (groundwater). The lakes invoved include 3 in the Tay Watershed, including: Christie, Otty and Eagle. Residents on the lakes are invited to participate in the survey.
      Click here for more information
      Click here for the survey.

  41. Student Water Quality Assessment Project
      Students from PDCI undertook a water quality assessment of the Tay River above and below Perth's sewage treatment plant earlier this year. Further to that project, the students did a presentation to Perth Town Council on June 17, 2022 in the Council Chambers, along with their advisor Evan Barr. A number of FOTW Board members attended as well to reinforce our support for our youth and for a healthy river. The students were all presented with Friends of the Tay Watershed t-shirts for their good work.
      See photo of this event.

  42. New Bench Donated By The Friends of the Tay Watershed
      On May 27, 2022, the Board of the Friends gathered in Last Duel Park with John Fenik Major of Perth and several Councillors to dedicate a new bench donated by the Friends .
      Read more....

  43. Turtle Habitat Conservation / Turtles at Risk Webinar ~ May 19, 2022 at 7:00pm
      Friends of the Tay Watershed are inviting you to a webinar on turtle habitat conservation.
      Turtle expert Tammy Mackenzie will be presenting facts about turtles and will describe her pilot project for May-June nest protectors.
      To join the Webinar at 7:00pm May 19th ~ Click here

  44. OMYA Public Meeting ~ May 18, 2022, at 2:00pm
      Omya Canada's public meeting to report on water taking from the Tay River for the calendar year 2021 ~ Stewart Park Room, Best Western Inn & Spa, 82 Peter Street, Perth. The presentation notes for this meeting can be seen by clicking here

  45. Trasher Hunt at the Crystall Palace - April 23, 2022

  46. Paddling the Tay Brochure
      A brand new updated Paddling the Tay brochure has just been published. Many thanks to the team that put this one together.
      Printed copies of this prochure are available, but to see a virtual copy of this brochure, please click here.

  47. Forest Bathing Webinar - Thursday, April 21, 2022 at 7:00pm
      Heathy Lives Through Healthy Forests Forest Bathing is more than a walk in the woods, for it has shown to have recuperative value for both physical and mental health. Our presenter is Joanna Kowalczyk, a local GIFT certified guide who will share her passion for Forest Bathing with us. No pre-registration will be required for this webinar.
      Click here to join the webinar at 7:00pm.

  48. FoTW AGM - Thursday, March 24, 2022 at 2:30pm
      AGM held virtually via Zoom
      Annual Environmental Awards ~ recognizing citizens who have made significant contributions to sustaining our natural environment
      Presentation by Sarah MacLeod-Neilson, Planner and Haley Matschke, Acting Surface Water Quality Coordinator, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
      Award Winners

  49. Jebbs Creek Wetland Embayment Creation Project Webinar via Zoom - Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 2:30pm

  50. 2022 LDD/Gypsy Moth Aerial Spray Sign-up - March 1st
      The attached note from the Christie Lake Association details the 2022 spraying program for the Sponge/ LDD/ Gypsy Moth, which has a March 1st deadline in this area.
      Click here.

  51. 2021 Annual Report

  52. LLD (Gypsy) Moth Webinar - Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 7pm

  53. Friends New Facebook Page
      We have launched a new Facebook page with the following objectives:
      • To create a social media platform to reach out in a fresh and lively interactive format;
      • To create a forum where people can share their inspirational photos and artwork that highlight the experience of getting outdoors and capturing the scenery, flora and fauna of the Tay Watershed;
      • To promote special events such as Watershed Discovery Day; Paddle the Tay; Membership Drives; FoTW AGM etc.;
      • To be designed with current branding and to direct users to the FOTW website.
      To view our Facebook page, just click on the logo to the right, which also appears on the left side of almost every page of this website below our "Donate Now" button.

  54. World Wetlands Day - February 2, 2022
      On 30 August 2021 the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 75/317 that established 2 February as World Wetlands Day. Wetlands Action for People and Nature is the theme in 2022 highlighting the importance of actions to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands for humans and planetary health.
      More information.

  55. Water Guardian Bursary 2022
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed continue to support students who are interested in the environment through our annual Water Guardian Bursary program. Each year, thanks to the sponsorship of Little Stream Bakery, we offer a $1,000 bursary to a deserving student from our watershed.
      Submissions for the 2022 bursary program will be accepted until June 30, 2022 and the winner will be announced by July 31, 2022.
      For more information, please click here.
      For the fillable application form, please click here or on the button on the right.
      There were no applications for this bursary in 2022.

      In 2021 there were two bursaries awarded to students. The first bursary, sponsored by the Little Stream Bakery, was awarded to Ryleigh Rioux. The second bursary, in recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Friends of the Tay Watershed, went to Drew Brennan. Both awards were presented at Watershed Discovery Day on Saturday, August 14th.
      Click here for more information on these recipients.

  56. LLD (Gypsy) Moth Webinar
      The Friends will be hosting a webinar entitled "Getting to know the LDSDS (Gypsy) Moth and what to expect in 2022". This webinar will be held on February 24th at 7:00 pm, led by Eric Boysen, former Director, Renewable Energy Program / Biodiversity Branch at Ministry of Natural Resources.
      More information to come.

  57. Lanark County Scientist Urges Local Climate Action

  58. Call for Nominations for Environmental Awards

  59. Climate Action Survey
      Climate Network Lanark has launched a large Climate Survey so that they can glean some stats and shape an aggressive climate action plan for Lanark County and area for the next ten years.They would appreciate your participation in this survey and your help in circulating this survey widely among your networks.
      Click here for more details.
      Click here for survey

  60. Our 20th Anniversary Watershed Discovery Day

  61. Community Services Program Cleans Up the Tay River
      Leah Craig, of Tay Valley Township, a Grade 11 student at Perth & District High School, is taking the school's Community Services program to "new depths" - and providing a much-needed upgrade to the area"s Tay River.   Read on.....

  62. Lake 88 - "All About The House" Interview about the Friends
      Listen to Brian Perkin's interview on Lake 88 "All About the House" of Friends of the Tay Watershed President Glenn Tunnock. This 4-part interview touches on the mission of the Friends, its programs in our community and how it has interacted so successfully with other organizations and government entities for the betterment of our watershed and local residents.
      To listen please click successively on PART 1 .....PART 2 .....PART 3 ....... and PART 4.
      Our thanks go out to Brian Perkin and Lake 88.

  63. Gypsy Moth Webinar

  64. Ontario Nature Youth Summit
      Do you know a student who would like to participate in the Ontario Nature Youth Summit? Please click here.

  65. Lanark County Turtle Watch
      The Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists are looking for photos of turtles ~ see more

  66. OMYA Virtual Public Water Taking Meeting ~ May 27 1:00pm-2:00pm
      Omya Canada's virtual public meeting to report on water taking from the Tay River for the calendar years 2019 and 2020.
      This is an On-line virtual TEAMS meeting available via recent versions of Microsoft browsers such as Edge
      If you are joining via Apple devices or other non-Microsoft equipment, you may want to download the TEAMS app ~ Click here
      For the personal invitation and link to attend this meeting, please contact  the organizer Jeff Lee at well in advance of the meeting.

  67. Dry Conditions Across Rideau Valley Due To Early Spring, Limited Rain

  68. Invasive Phragmites ~ a special Earth Day 2021 Webinar

  69. Invasive Species You May Want to Check For On Your Property As They Are Showing Up In This Area
    • Gypsy Moths ~ A major problem this year ~ click here for info and removal of egg masses and also for a brochure from Christie Lake Association on spraying, as an example of what one lake association has undertaken ~ Click here and for an excellent bulletin from White Lake Association on Control of Gypsy Moth Infestation ~ Click here and for an article on Gypsy Moth and the summer of 2021 - what to expect, and what to do ~ Click here
    • Invasive Phragmites ~ Click here and for a related TVO video, click here.

  70. Notice of 2020 AGM to be Held "Virtually"
      The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Tay Watershed will be held as a virtual meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, commencing 2:30 pm. You may attend the meeting electronically using your computer, tablet or smart phone and Zoom software which will allow participants to communicate with each other and to vote online. Included in the AGM will be a webinar presentation by RVCA's Meaghan McDonald on Shoreline Planting.
      See the full Notice.

  71. Water Guardian Bursary 2021
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed continue to support students who are interested in the environmental sciences through our annual Water Guardian Bursary program.
      The 2020 bursary was awarded to Mairead MacKenzie on Friday, August 7th, in a presentation held by the Tay on Haggart Island, close to the Little Tay Bridge.
      Submissions for the 2021 bursary program will be accepted until June 30, 2021 and the winner will be announced by July 31, 2021.
      For more information, please click here.
      For the fillable application form, please click here or on the button on the right.
      Bursary Reminder Press Release

  72. Gypsy Moth Outbreak 2020 Webinar
      The presentation will provide an synopsis of this past years outbreak in easter Ontario and the steps that landowners can take if they spot the Gypsy moth in their woodlots.
      Click to Register

  73. Webinar on the Value of Conservation Areas

  74. Webinar on Protecting Ontario's Environmental Future

  75. Current Conditions Statement
      See the Current Conditions Statement for the Tay Waterway as of December 14, 2020, together with information on the Tay Net Waterway Reporting Program and updated Streamflow data.
      Click here.

  76. New Tay Basin Plaque Recognising the Algonquin History

  77. Giving Tuesday Message from your Friends

  78. Changes to Conservation Authorities Act Trigger Red Flags for Conservation Ontario

  79. Winners of this Year's Gord Rodgers Memorial Award
      Karen and Murray Hunt were the winners of the Gord Rogers Memorial Award for their stellar involvement in environmental stewardship, as announced at this year's Lake Links event. Karen was a director of FoTW for many years and is currently on the Advisory Panel, in addition to chairing the Lake Networking Group and acting as President of the Otty Lake Association for many years. Murray has been very involved with the Otty Lake Association for many years.
      See the award presentation

  80. Trees and Climate Change Seminar

  81. Current Conditions Statement
      See the Current Conditions Statement for the Tay Waterway as of September 1, 2020, together with information on the Tay Net Waterway Reporting Program and updated Streamflow data.
      Click here.

  82. Tay Valley Township's Climate Action Plan
      Tay Valley Township have released their very impressive new Climate Action Plan ~ "Taking Steps to Make a Difference".
      Read the Plan.

  83. Pandemic Pastimes
      These are difficult times for everyone, but the watershed continues to flourish seemingly unaware of the pandemic that has changed so many aspects of human life. Below is a link to a watershed puzzle that we hope will help you pass some time while distancing and remind you of the 46 beautiful lakes in the Tay watershed. Perhaps you will print it off and take it to your deck or dock or easy chair to help fill the time while we wait to return to the new normal. And remember, the pandemic will end but the watershed will go on forever. Don't forget a pencil!
      Tay Watershed Lakes Puzzle

  84. Winners of the Membership Draw for two Gift Certificates to Maximilian's Restaurant:
      Thank you to our new and renewing members for supporting the programs of the Friends. For the last several years our corporate sponsor "Maximilian's Restaurant" has generously given us two gift certificates. We put all the new and renewing membership names in a hat and draw two winners at our Watershed Discovery Day in August. (Due to the COVID pandemic we did not have WDD this year, but we still had the draw!)
      And the winners are: Irv Dardick of Eagle Lake and Kristine and Reid Kilburn of Otty Lake. Congratulations!

  85. Water Guardian Bursary Award 2020  

  86. Bobs Lake Dam
      See recent pictures of the New Bobs Lake Dam at Bolingbroke
      Click here.

  87. Health Unit Urges Well Owners to Test Their Water and Conserve Water During Low Water Conditions
      With the current low water conditions, all private well owners are urged to sample their wells to ensure the bacteriological quality of their water has not changed.
      See full media release.

  88. Environmental Awards

  89. Notice of 2019 AGM to be Held "Virtually"
      The 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Tay Watershed will be held as a virtual meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2020, commencing 2:30 pm. You may attend the meeting electronically using your computer, tablet or smart phone and Zoom software which will allow participants to communicate with each other and to vote online. Unfortunately, given the circumstances, there will be no guest speaker; however, a webinar will be arranged later on the topic Trees and Climate Change.
      See the full Notice.
      More Information

  90. Perth Farmers' Market and Lanark Local Flavour
      With the restrictions imposed as a result of COVID-19, the Perth Farmers' Market at the Crystal Palace will have an adjusted on-line format this year. Please see the letter from the Board of the Perth Farmers' Market on their 2020 season posted below. To support our farmers, we have also attached a list below of those who will be providing their produce from their farm gate. The legend on the list indicates which produce each farm will provide. Finally we have included a link to the Lanark LOcal Flavour website which shows their Harvest Chart dates.
      Perth Farmers' Market 2020 Season
      Lanark Local Flavour Entries
      Lanark Local Flavour Harvest Chart Dates
      Lanark Local Flavour Website

  91. Water Guardian Bursary 2020
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed continue to support students who are interested in the environmental sciences through our annual Water Guardian Bursary program The 2019 bursary was awarded to Amanda Miller on Saturday, August 17th, in a ceremony at the Association's annual Watershed Discovery Day at the Perth Farmers Market. Submissions for the 2020 bursary program will be accepted until June 30, 2020.
      For more information, please click here.
      For the fillable application form, please click here or on the button to the right.
      The Competition is now closed. See the announcement above.

  92. Annual General Meeting and Presentations ~ POSTPONED
      The Annual General meeting normally held late in March has been postponed because of the Covid -19 contagion. Members and the general public will be advised of the new date for this meeting which will be held at the Perth Legion, 26 Beckwith St. East. We have planned a full Agenda including reports on our 2019 activities, our plans for 2020, and a keynote presentation of Trees and Climate Change. We will also have a number of educational exhibits to engage your interest on the activities and programs of such organizations as Federation of Ontario Cottagers Associations, Tay Valley Legacy Tree Program, Tay Net, Dr. Shelley Ball, Biosphere Environmental Education, RVCA Butternut Program, Otty Lake Association, Christie Lake Association and the Ottawa Riverkeeper.
      Click here for more information on this AGM.

  93. FoTW Annual Report 2019

  94. Internal Waves ~ February 2020
      The Friends have released our Association's latest newsletter, with news about the upcoming AGM, volunteer opportunities and the Watershed Guardian Bursary Project.
      Click here for PDF Version.

  95. Bobs Lake Dam Update
      The second and final phase of the Bobs Lake Dam project, which began in July 2019, has been completed and was activated on October 18, 2019.

  96. Conservation Ontario Media Release on Flood Advisor Report  
      "The mandate of conservation authorities is the conservation, restoration, development and management of natural resources....... Using a watershed-based approach has effectively protected Ontarians for years and helped to avoid many more millions of dollars in damages and business disruptions. It also helps to build resiliency in local watersheds helping our communities to adapt to the growing impacts of climate change more easily."........said Kim Gavine, General Manager of Conservation Ontario which represents the 36 conservation authorities.
      Read the full Media Release

  97. Bobs Lake Dam Update Bobs Lake Dam
      The second and final phase of the Bobs Lake Dam project which began in July 2019 and is nearing completion.

      Over the past four months the contractor worked to complete the remaining one-third of the dam the north wall connecting the two sluiceways to the shoreline. The newly completed dam was activated on October 18, 2019 prior to the demolition of the old dam.
      Read the full update bulletin.

  98. Shift Happens ~ NOW SUSPENDED
      Here is information about a film series you won't want to miss dealing with the world's most pressing environmental issues and their solutions. This series is taking place at the Studio Theatre, commencing on November 16th at 6:30. Unfortunately, given the Covid-19 pandemic, the documentary series dealing with the world's most pressing environmental issues and their solutions has been suspended until further notice. Stay tuned.
      ~ Poster for this series
      ~ More detailed information and a synopsis of each film

  99. Paddle Down the Tay Canal
      Friends of the Tay Watershed hosted 29 canoeists and kayakers in a fun paddle down the Tay River and Canal, on Saturday, September 14. This guided tour included commentary on the flora, fauna and history of the area led by Shawn Thompson, a retired ecologist. 2020 will hopefully bring a new adventure for paddling enthusiasts.
      Please click here for more information and see the related Map.

  100. The Tay Waterway Riverwatch Program - 'Tay Net'
      The Tay Net program has been launched to monitor and report on water conditions and issues along the Tay waterway. This program is in response to recent changes in weather patterns and the growing numbre of extreme weather events. We would welcome your participation as a 'Riverwatcher'.
      Please click here for more information.

  101. Water Guardian Bursary Award 2019

  102. Join us for our 19th Annual Watershed Discovery Day

  103. Join Us at Stewart Park Festival
      Join us at Stewart Park Festival ~ July 19 - 21
      The 'Friends' will again be participating in the Stewart Park Festival. Please Drop by our booth, and
      • Check out the activities and programs protecting your water and watershed
      • Renew your membership and enter the draw for a gift certificate from Maximillian's Restaurant and an association T-shirt
      • Just come and enjoy a 'friendly' visit..........and some of the best free music around.

  104. Tay Valley Township Climate Change Survey
      The Green Energy and Climate Change Working Group in Tay Valley Township has launched a survey that asks residents a number of questions. "Once the data are collected, the Township will hold public meetings to work out how, together, we can make substantial emissions reductions," said Deputy Reeve Barrie Crampton. This survey takes about 5 minutes to complete and residents of Tay Valley Township are encouraged to complete it.
      More information
      The Survey to be filled out by Tay Valley Township Residents

  105. Open Letter from FOCA re Ontario Budget 2019
      Read the Open Letter from FOCA's Executive Director which references significant cutbacks in programs with respect to Invasive Species, Flood Prevention, Fighting Forest Fires, etc.
      ~ Click here for the Open Letter

  106. Bobs Lake Dam Updates

  107. Blanding Turtle Survey

  108. Annual General Meeting and Presentations
      You are invited to attend our AGM to be held on Thursday, March 28th, 2:30pm to 5:00pm at the Perth Legion, 26 Beckwith St. East.
      The Agenda for our March 28th AGM, and all of the reports on our 2018 activities and plans for 2019, may now be seen on our 2018 AGM page.
      Please mark your calendar. Come for refreshments at 2:00, meet the Board and visit the displays.
      The subject of our presentation this year is a review of the status of Climate Change in our community and action to address it: "The Challenge of Climate Change in our Community: what is needed and the activities planned in 2019 to address it, by local municipalities, government agencies, conservation authorities and community organisations".
      Speakers include:
        Susan Brandum, Environmental Consultant
        Forbes Symon, Director, Development & Protective Services, Perth
        Barrie Crampton, Deputy Reeve, Tay Valley Township
        David Taylor, Friends of the Tay Watershed Board.

  109. FoTW Annual Report 2018

  110. Water Guardian Bursary 2019 ~ Applications Now Closed
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are pleased, once again, to announce the provision of a $1,000 bursary to assist a graduating Tay Watershed high school student, or an alumnus, in pursuing post-secondary studies in Environmental Science or a related program concerned with the environment and water sustainability. Applications must be received by no later than June 30, 2019 and the winner will be announced by 31 July 2019, with the award being presented at Watershed Discovery Day on August 17, 2019.
      For more information, please click here.
      For the fillable application form, please click here or on the button to the right.

  111. Habitat for Blanding's Turtle

  112. Sources of Drinking Water
      Do you know where your drinking water comes from? Check out this short animated video from Conservation Ontario.

      For more information go to

  113. Provincial Funding to Conservation Authorities
      Provincial funding to Conservation Authorities in Ontario adds up to less than $1 per taxpayer and reaps many benefits according to Conservation Ontario in their 2019 Budget Consultation Submission.
      Read their comments and related submission.

  114. Mills of the Tay
      The interesting and informative book on the Mills of the Tay written by David Taylor has just been updated and is now available for viewing.
      Click Here for the PDF version.

  115. Stopping Ontario Government's Bill 66

  116. Events Calendar 2019
      The calendar of events for 2019 has now been posted on this website ~ click here
  117. Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
      Our association supports the letter to the Ontario Premier from the Federation of Ontario Cottage Owners (FOCA), which opposes the elimination of the office of Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.
    • Read the letter.

  118. Proposed Changes to Conservation Authorities Act

  119. Larry Bowen
      We are saddened to inform you of the passing of former Board member Larry Bowen who died peacefully in his sleep on September 28th. Larry and his partner Susan had recently moved to Oakville from their home on Christie Lake. Larry had been an active member of the Friends Board for several years and he retired earlier this year. There will be a memorial service at St. Jude's Anglican Church 160 William Street, Oakville ON L6J 1C5 (905-844-3972) on Tuesday, October 16, at 1:00 p.m. Our condolences go out to Susan and family.
      Read the Obituary

  120. Wetlands Kits for Schools
      The Friends have presented wetlands resource kits to elementary schools in the Tay watershed.
      Read more....

  121. New Study on Limiting Flood Risk and Damage by Natural Means
      The Insurance Bureau of Canada has recently published a report that evaluates the use of conservation and restoration of natural infrastructure, such as ponds, wetlands and vegetated areas to limit flood risk and damage.
      Read more
      Read the full Report

  122. Pictures of the 18th Annual Watershed Discovery Day

  123. Water Guardian Bursary Award 2018

  124. Restoring Shores ~ RVCA Offers Free Service to Landowners in Tay Subwatershed
      Thanks to special funding through the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) is covering costs for shoreline restoration projects to landowners in the Tay Subwatershed.
      Read the full media release.

  125. Join us for our 18th Annual Watershed Discovery Day
      ~ Saturday, August 18, 2018, from 8:00am to 1:00pm ~ At Perth's Crystal Palace MAP ~ in cooperation with the Perth Farmers' Market, Little Stream Bakery, Town of Perth, Maximilians restaurant, Stor N Lock Perth, and the Rural Clean Water Program of Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.
      ~ WDD Poster - 2018
      ~ More Information

  126. FoTW Booth at Stewart Park Festival
      Friends of the Tay Watershed will have our annual booth at the Stewart Park Festival from July 13 to 15. Please drop by and check us out.
      Read the full announcement.

  127. Guided Tour on the Tay Canal

  128. Join us at our Summer events
      See our upcoming summer events posted on our Bulletin Board ~ click here. And please drop by our booth, on Saturday, June 16, at KIDFISH Fishing Derby, Tay Basin, Perth (9:00 to 12:00).
      For the full list of events, please click here.

  129. Septic Savvy 2018 Workshop
      The Lake Networking Group held a Septic Savvy Workshop on May 28, 2018, dealing with the importance of properly functioning sewage systems. The materials and pictures from this interesting workshop are shared on our Lake Networking page ~ Click here.

  130. Tay River Subwatershed Report  
      An excellent report on the environmental health of the Tay Watershed by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.
      Read the report.

  131. Max Finkelstein on the Four Winds Voyageur Brigade - 7PM, Friday May 11 at Station Theatre in Smiths Falls

  132. Seasonal lockage permits for canoe and kayak

  133. Septic Savy 2018 Workshop
      The focus of this workshop will be on the importance of properly functioning sewage systems. Properly functioning sewage systems are integral to a healthy lake or river AND for a safe drinking supply.
      ~ 9am to noon, with 8:30 registration at the Perth Civitan Hall, 6787 County Road 43, Perth, ON
      ~ Poster

  134. InfoNet
      Parks Canada launched the Ontario Waterways Water Management InfoNet on the Rideau Canal website home page.
      Read the details.

  135. Tay River Walleye Spawning Survey
      In preparation for construction of the new Bobs Lake Dam, Parks Canada will be undertaking a walleye spawning survey between Bobs and Christie Lakes along the Tay River over the coming weeks. This survey will help to identify and to provide baseline data about spawning sites for walleye.
      Read the details.

  136. Water Guardian Bursary 2018
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are pleased, once again, to announce the provision of a $1,000 bursary to assist a graduating Tay Watershed high school student, or an alumni, in pursuing post-secondary studies in Environmental Science or a related program concerned with the environment and water sustainability. The application period is NOW CLOSED and the winner will be announced on Tuesday 31 July, with the award being presented at Watershed Discovery Day.
      For more information, please click here.
      For the fillabale application form, please click here or on the button to the right.

  137. 2017 Environmental Awards
      The Friends announced their 2017 Environmental Award Winners at their AGM on March 22, 2018.
      Read the results.

  138. Annual Report - 2017

  139. Bobs Lake Dam

  140. Our Annual General Meeting:
      This is early notice of our AGM to be held on March 22nd, at 2:00pm, at the Perth Legion, 26 Beckwith St. East. Please mark your calendar and join us for refreshments and meet your Board. We will review our program results for 2017 and unveil our 2018 planned activities.
      We also encourage you to renew your membership for 2018.
      Please see 2017 AGM page for further details.

  141. OMYA Public Meeting
      Omya Canada Inc will be holding a public meeting to report on water taking from the Tay River for the calendar year 2017.
      On Wednesday February 15, 2018 1:30 pm at the Best Western, Stewart Park Room.
      See invitation

  142. Internal Waves ~ October 2017
      The Friends have released our Association's latest newsletter, with news of current activities of interest in the Tay watershed.
      Click here for PDF Version.

  143. Paddle the Tay Canal Report
      There was an excellent turnout on September 16th for the Friends 150 Paddle the Tay event. The full report and pictures of this event are located on our Bulleting Board ~ please click here.
      More information

  144. Launch of Tay Watershed Interpretive Panel
      On Wednesday, September 6, 2017, our Association representatives participated in the inauguration of the Tay River Pathway extension, located on Lanark County property behind the Lanark Lodge on Christie Lake Road. Tay event. The full report and pictures of this event are located on our Bulleting Board ~ please click here.

  145. Understanding Lake Water Quality Data Workshop
      The Lake Networking Group held a most interesting workshop on this subject on August 3rd. Information from the workshop, including related notes, photos and presentations are all available on the Lake Networking page on this website ~ click on the Understanding Lake Water Quality Data button towards the bottom of the page.

  146. Watershed Discover Day Report

  147. Wet Land Needs Wetlands ~ a cautionary tale from Houston
      Houston's flooding shows what happens when you ignore science and  do not have a sound regulatory system to control development. Even after it became a widely accepted scientific fact that wetlands can soak up large amounts of flood water, the city continued to pave over them. The watershed of the White Oak Bayou river, which includes much of northwest Houston, is a case in point. From 1992 to 2010, this area lost more than 70% of its wetlands, according to research by Texas A&M University.
      Read the complete article.

  148. Paddle Down the Tay Canal - September 16th
      Canoeists and kayakers are invited to join us for a paddle down the Tay Canal, on Saturday, September 16. This Canada 150 guided tour will start at 10:00am, at Last Duel Dock.
      Please click for more information.

  149. Flood Victims in Tay Valley can now apply for Provincial Disaster Aid
      Ontario has activated its disaster recovery assistance program for part of Tay Valley Township near Perth, allowing flood victims to apply to have emergency and recovery expenses reimbursed.
      See Full CBC News Coverage

  150. Bird Sightings Along the Tay Canal

  151. Join us for our 17th Annual Watershed Discovery Day
      ~ Saturday, August 19, 2017, from 8:00am to 1:00pm ~ At Perth's Crystal Palace MAP ~ in cooperation with the Farmers Market.
      ~ WDD Poster - 2017
      ~ WDD Press Release - 2017

      Join us at our 17th Annual Watershed Discovery Day, for a morning of information on our area water and water resources, with interactive exhibits and activities, on the state of our local water resources, the challenges facing them, and the programs and plans available to address them.

      Ready to answer your questions will be representatives from Watersheds Canada, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Rideau Environmental Action League, the Town of Perth, Lanark County Stewardship Council, and our own association volunteers and exhibits.

      Watershed Discovery Day showcases the Tay River watershed, its lakes and streams and groundwater, providing an opportunity for the public to learn about current programs to look after these, and a one-stop-shop where the public may bring their questions.

      For the children, there will be the Story Corner, from 11:00 to 12:00, thanks to the Perth and Union Public Library, our 'Fish Pond', where children may try their skill at identifying the invasive species of our area, as well as a Book table and book draw.

      This year, we will also present photos and information on the recent flooding in the watershed.

      The Perth Farmers' Market also offers wonderful fresh produce, baking and perennials.

      The Farmers' Market is located at the Crystal Palace in downtown Perth, overlooking the Tay Basin.

      This great morning of information, entertainment and wonderful local produce is possible through the generous partnering with Perth Farmers' Market, Little Stream Bakery, Town of Perth, Lake 88, TD Canada Trust, Maximilian's restaurant, and the Rural Clean Water Program of Rideau Valley Conservation Authority.

      We all live downstream.

      At WDD 2016

  152. Parks Canada Announces Temporary Closure of Navigation in Most Rideau Canal Locks ~ NOW FULLY RE-OPEN

  153. The Friends at the Stewart Park Festival
      This year's Stewart Park Festival, in Perth from July 14 to 17, was, once again, an excellent event for the 'Friends'. This mark's the eighth year that our association has manned a booth at the Festival, and it has become something of a tradition, as many people drop by for an update on the watershed. The popularity of the Festival - and, along with it our booth - continues to grow, providing a welcome opportunity to meet both old and new friends - local and from away. This year our area's spring flood was a common subject; our T-shirts were a big hit, as were membership sales, with some incentive provided from the draw for gift certificates to Maximilian's Restaurant (remains open, online, until August 19 for both renewals and new memberships).

  154. Conserving wetlands could save Canadians millions of dollars
      A recent report by Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at University of Waterloo has found that leaving wetlands in their natural state could reduce the financial costs of flooding by nearly 40 per cent. The Intact Centre compared the financial costs of a major flood event in urban and rural areas, where wetlands were left in their natural state, versus where a computer model simulated wetlands replacement with agricultural land use. The modeling showed that if a major fall flood were to occur, the financial costs of flooding in rural and urban areas would be 29 and 38 per cent lower, respectively, with wetlands in their natural state versus being lost due to development.
      Read the full report ~ When the Big Storms Hit (Note this is a large file so may take a minute or two to load.)

  155. Join us for some fun at Stewart Park Festival, July 14-16, 2017

      [photo from 2016]

      Your 'Friends' will again have a tent full of fun, information and ideas to welcome you at Stewart Park Festival this year. Come by for a pleasant visit, find out what is new in the watershed, what is coming downstream, renew your membership - and perhaps win one of our draws for gift certificates at Maximilians Restaurant. For more on the Festival schedule see .
      PS: You will also be eligible for our Maximilian draw if you renew your membership online, click on ..... . The renewal is valid through 2018.
      PPS: And don't forget Watershed Discovery Day on August 19th, Crystal Palace, Perth, 8:00-1:00pm.

  156. Bobs Lake Dam Replacement ~ Parks Canada Update

  157. Canada 150 Brigade
      Canada 150 Four Winds Canoe Brigade Passes Through Beveridge Locks and Perth
      Read the story and see the pictures on the FoTW Bulletin Board ~ click here

  158. FoTW at Kidfish June 17, 2017
      Carol Dillon reported that "It was a successful and pleasant morning with the rain holding off" for Kidfish this year.
      Read the full story and see the pictures on the FoTW Bulletin Board ~ Click here

  159. Water Guardian Bursary: And the winner is........
      The Bursary Committee of the Friends of the Tay Watershed is pleased to announce that the $1,000 Water Guardian Bursary has been awarded to Nick Nadeau from Smiths Falls & District Collegiate Institute. Among other exceptional qualities, the committee was impressed by Nick's part-time work with Parks Canada on the Rideau Canal and his volunteer work this spring to assist with additional duties related to watershed flooding: measuring flow discharge rates, assessing erosion/washout damage, and reading water levels in Bobs and Christie Lakes. His experience with the Tay watershed made him an outstanding candidate for the Water Guardian Bursary. Nick has been accepted at Trent University and will enter the Environmental Science and Resource Management program there in the fall. Nick will be presented with his award and cheque at the Friends' Watershed Discovery Day -- to be held at the Farmers' Market in Perth's Crystal Palace on August 19th. Congratulations Nick!

      This year the association received six applications for the Water Guardian Bursary, and all were from outstanding young people demonstrating a passion for the environment. Three applications were received from St John CHS in Perth, two from Smiths Falls DCI and one from Granite Ridge Education Centre in Sharbot Lake. All applicants met the basic criteria of coming from the Tay watershed and are planning on further study in a field related to water and/or the environment.

      We extend thanks to Graham Beck and the Little Stream Bakery whose generosity make this bursary possible.

  160. BioBlitz 2017 at Murphy's Point Park ~ June 10th
      Join expert naturalists for a fun exploration of Murphy Point Park, in Tay Valley Township, its plants and animals at BioBlitz 2017, June 10, 1:00pm to June 11, noon. For more information, please go to

  161. Flood Information from Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit

  162. RVCA Flood Warning Update ~ May 8, 2017
      The Rideau Canal reservoir lake levels continue to be well above the "Full Supply Limit". Upper Rideau Lake has begun to decline and Parks Canada staff will cut back the outflow to Big Rideau to help reduce levels there. Outflow continues to be passed through the Bolingbroke Dam in an effort to reduce flood levels on Bobs and Crow Lakes. The unfortunate recipient of that outflow is Christie Lake where flooding is also occurring. Flows in the Tay through Perth are presently on a downward trend but the recession may be prolonged by the outpouring from Bobs Lake.
      To read the COMPLETE update ~ please click here
      For the latest water conditions information at any time, please click on the Flood or Drought icons on our Home page.
      For Streamflow information, please click here

  163. RVCA Flood Warning Update ~ April 7, 2017
      Above Normal Rainfall Causing High Water Throughout Rideau Watershed
      Heavy rain on Thursday has caused streamflows and lake levels to increase significantly in the Rideau River watershed. This notice is important because it mentions that Parks Canada will be moving water from the reservoir lakes next week -- adding to the already high waters in the system.
      Read the complete notice
      For the latest water conditions information at any time, please click on the Flood or Drought icons on our Home page.
      For Streamflow information, please click here

  164. Annual Report - 2016

  165. Our Annual General Meeting:
      This is early notice of our AGM to be held on March 21st, at 1:00pm, at the Perth Legion. Please mark your calendar and join us for refreshments and meet your Board. We will unveil our 2017 plans, and welcome presentations on: the Stream Water Testing Program for the Tay Watershed, by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority; updates on Parks Canada Canal Infrastructure Program, including the Bobs Lake Dam; and update on the Source Water Protection Program for our area. March 21, 1:00pm, Perth Royal Canadian Legion, 26 Beckwith St. E., Perth

  166. Lyme Disease Awareness
      Message From: Michael Yee
      Sent: February-22-17 2:10 PM
      Subject: FW: Lyme Disease Awareness - Kristy Giles on CTV

      Hi Folks,

      My friend Kristy Giles is battling Lyme disease and wanted to share this information with you. After working outside or walking in the woods, be very diligent about checking for ticks and removing them safely and quickly. Kristy is trying to raise awareness about Black legged ticks and the transmission of Lyme Disease. She want people to be aware that they don't want to go through what she has gone through and that medical treatment should be readily available in Canada. So care and caution in tick infested areas not to keep you from enjoying the natural world. Please consider supporting or helping with her awareness campaign. Below is a link to Kristy's blog:
      And further below is her interview with CTV.
      And attached is information about supporting a Lyme Letter Campaign. (Click here for attachment)
      Thanks for your consideration.


  167. Message to Members and Friends ~ February 20, 2017

  168. New Location & New Look for Friends Website
      On February 15, 2017, The Friends moved their website to this new location at from its previous address at . The new address was chosen to reflect the fact that the work that is undertaken by the Friends is for the benefit of the whole watershed, including all of the numerous lakes, streams and wetlands, as well as the signature Tay River. On moving the website to the new location, we have used the occasion to give the site a facelift to be consistent with our planned displays and promotions. One significant addition to the website is the inclusion of a new page for the Lake Networking Group, accessible via the menu to the left. Of course, the wealth of information on the watershed, available on the old version, is still accessible in this version by clicking on this menu. You may contact us at our new location through our Contact Us page.

  169. Water Guardian Bursary 2017
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are pleased to announce the provision of a $1,000 bursary to a Tay watershed student pursuing post-secondary education in Environmental Science or a related program concerned with water and / or the environment. The applications are now CLOSED.
      For more information, please click here.
      For the fillabale application form, please click here or on the button to the right.

  170. Drought Condition Downgraded to Minor ~ January 17, 2017
      According to RVCA, the drought status in the Rideau River watershed is being downgraded to "Minor"¯ because the recent warm temperatures and precipitation have caused flows to increase significantly in watershed streams. But theer is a caveat for the Tay River. Read more..

  171. Tay River Pathway Interpretive Panel
      The FoTW have launched a drive to raise funds for a new interpretive panel as a contribution to the recently extended Tay River Pathway. This 1.5 km (return) trail is a wheelchair accessible loop that begins behind Lanark Lodge and the Perth Com-munity Care Centre and meanders past the Round Garden for the visually impaired. The estimate for the cost of design, fabrication and installation of the panel is $3,400.00.
      More information in Newsletter
      Donate Now to help fund the Interpretive Panel

  172. Internal Waves ~ November 2016
      The Friends have released our Association's latest newsletter, with news of current activities of interest in the Tay watershed.
      Click here for PDF Version.

  173. History was Added at Watershed Discovery Day
      This year's edition of our association's annual 'flagship' community information event, Watershed Discovery Day, on Saturday, August 6, added 'history' to its usual environment themes, in recognition of this area's 200th Anniversary in 2016. Displays on the Tay Canal, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of the Rideau system, and on the region's early water-powered mills, complemented the usual excellent displays - and information - on the state of our area water resources. Expert advice to the community's questions was provided by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Watersheds Canada, Rideau Environmental Action League, Source Water Protection Committee, and our association displays. The Perth Union Library' Story Corner, the Paddling Puppeteer, 'Fish Pond' and our children's book table delivered entertainment, mixed with some environment, for the younger community. Thanks are due to the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, the Source Water Protection Program, Lake 88 Radio, and the Farmers' Market for their support."

      At the Fish Pond

  174. Continued Lack of Rain Causes Severe Drought Condition
      August 12, 2016 ~ Based on the 30 Day Precipitation drought indicator, the Rideau River Watershed is in the Severe Drought category.
  175. Draft Reduction on Rideau Canal Due to Drought Conditions
      OTTAWA, ONTARIO, JULY 22, 2016 Effective immediately, the available draft in the southern section (from Newboro Lockstation to Lake Ontario) of the Rideau Canal is reduced from the standard five (5) feet.
      This reduction is necessary to ensure safe navigation and is the result of low water levels due to a lack of precipitation and evaporation caused by unseasonably high temperatures.
      Boaters travelling within this section of the Rideau Canal whose vessels draw greater than four (4) feet should consult the Parks Canada website or contact Rideau Canal Staff at for timely information on water levels and available draft.
      Navigation in the northern section (Ottawa River to Newboro Lockstation including the Tay Canal) of the Rideau Canal is not impacted and boat traffic can continue to move freely throughout this area.
      Parks Canada staff are working with our partners to manage water flows on a system-wide basis to mitigate the impact of low water levels and to best meet the broad range of needs including recreation, municipal water supply, and fisheries management.
      Updates on water level conditions and their impact on draft will continue to be communicated through the Rideau Canal website and social media, and when required, through a Canadian Coast Guard Notice to Shipping.

      Dale MacEachern
      External Relations Manager
      Rideau Canal, Ontario Waterways
  176. 16th Annual Watershed Discovery Day
      Come on out to our 16th annual Watershed Discovery Day on Saturday August 6th, 8am to 1pm, at the Crystal Palace in Perth, in cooperation with the Perth Farmers' Market. Sample some fresh local harvest and stay to learn more about the bounty of the Tay River Watershed. This event features informative exhibits, live music, fun activities for young and old, including a story corner and the ever popular Paddling Puppeteers..... and much more.
      See our WDD 2016 Poster
      See the Invitation.

      Glen Caradus ~ the Paddling Puppeteers

  177. Update on Status of Bobs Lake Dam
      A recent Power Point Presentation update on the status of the re-construction of the Bobs Lake Dam , provided by Darryl Whitehead, External Relations Manager, Ontario Waterways Unit, Peterborough, Ontario Office, indicates that construction is now targetted for Summer 2017.
      See details in Power Point Presentation.
      Read earlier comments.

  178. Drought Expected to become Moderately Severe ~ Full statement provided by RVCA
      June 23, 2016 ~ With no rain until Monday in weather forecasts, it is expected that the drought status for the Rideau River watershed will pass the threshold from Minor to Moderate Severity by Sunday. The amount of rain forecast for Monday will do little to reverse the trend of deepening drought.

      Flows in the Rideau River at Ottawa are 15% of normal for the time of year. Larger tributary streams are about 6% of normal and many small streams are intermittent or dry. Aquatic habitat is becoming limited for all species.

      Lake levels in the Rideau Canal reservoir lakes are declining gradually but are within the target ranges. That will not be helped by the forecast warmer temperatures over the weekend that will increase the rate of evaporation.

      We continue to recommend water conservation for everyone in the watershed particularly in those areas where residents rely on wells. Holders of Permits to Take Water from surface or groundwater sources are encouraged to reduce their actual taking as much as possible.

      Conservation Authority staff continue to monitor conditions and communicate with water managers throughout the watershed through the Rideau Valley Water Response Team. This message will remain in effect for the next five days. An update will be issued when forecast weather indicates a significant change.

      To learn more about Ontario's Low Water Response program visit: Also, visit the RVCA website ( for local conditions.

      In order that we can track impacts of the drought conditions in the watershed, we request that any individuals or businesses in the Rideau Watershed who may be experiencing difficulties with their wells please contact the Conservation Authority by calling 613-692-3571 or 1-800-267-3504, ext. 1128 or 1132.

  179. FoTW Launch of Tayview Bench 
      On June 13, 2016, the Friends of the Tay Watershed Association and Lanark County Quilters Guild jointly inaugurated a bench, and accompanying plaque, at one of the most beautiful viewpoints of the Tay River in Perth, on Haggart Island, beside the Rainbow Bridge. Councillor Jim Graff received the bench on behalf of the Town. The 'Tayview Bench' was presented to the Town by the two organisations as a 200th Anniversary gift, the funding for which developed from a lottery in 2014 of a beautiful quilt, produced by Quilters Guild members (won by Lianne Merriman of Smiths Falls).

  180. Lack of Rain Brings Minor Drought Conditions
      According to RVCA, with no rain over the last ten days and less than 30% of normal for the last 30 days, the Rideau River watershed is on the verge of minor drought conditions. Precipitation measured at Environment Canada climate stations in and around the watershed show that about 80% of normal for the time of year has fallen in the last 90 days.
      Read the full RVCA Watershed Conditions Statement.
      CBC News Coverage
  181. Summer Jobs at REAL
  182. Water Guardian Bursary 2016
  183. 2016 Environmental Awards
      Three area leaders and organisations in the environment sector were recognised this week in the Environmental Awards announcement of the Friends of the Tay Watershed.
  184. Annual Report - 2015
  185. FoTW AGM on March 22nd

  186. OMYA Water-Taking Meeting
      Meeting Notice The OMYA Canada water-taking meeting for 2015 will be held:
      Wednesday February 24, 2016 at 2:00pm Stewart Room at the Parkside Inn in Perth.
      As a condition of its water-taking permit, OMYA reports to the community about its water taking annually and OMYA welcomes all members of the community to this presentation. Come and hear a comprehensive report about water in the Tay watershed.

  187. Internal Waves ~ December 2015
      The Friends have released our Association's Christmas newsletter, with news of current activities of interest in the Tay watershed.
      Click here for PDF Version.

  188. Lake Links 2015
      On October 24, five of our Board members - Peggy Land, Frank Roy, Taro Alps, Robert Cosh and David Taylor - attended, and presented a display of watershed support materials at, the 14th annual Lake Links Workshop at Perth's Civitan Hall. The Workshop theme, management of our area fish resources, attracted 113 people, and 20 lake associations.

      Taro Alps, Peggy Land and Frank Roy staff our association display at the 2015 Lake Links Workshop.
  189. Harvest Festival 2015
      On October 13, our association, represented by Carol Dillon, Sarah Anderson and David Taylor, presented a display at the Lanark County Harvest Festival, at Beckwith Park, organised by Tay Valley Township to promote awareness of the area's upcoming 200th Anniversary in 2016. Despite inclement weather, several thousand visitors toured the event, from all parts of Lanark County and Ottawa.
  190. Lake Management Planning Program's 10th Anniversary
      A celebration of the 10th anniversary of the very successful Lake Management Planning Program was held at Watershed Discovery Day.
      Read the story.
  191. Watershed Discovery Day a Success
      Watershed Discovery Day was a very successful event, based on an apparent increase in attendance, interest shown by the public and partner organizations, and comments from our partners.
      Read the full story and view the pictures.
  192. New Ap for Algae
  193. 15th Annual Watershed Discovery Day
      Bring your water-related questions to our 15th annual Watershed Discovery Day on Saturday August 15th, 8am to 1pm, at the Crystal Palace in Perth.
      This event, in cooperation with the Perth Farmers' Market, features experts to answer your water questions, exhibits, live music, fun activities for young and old, imcluding a story corner and the ever popular Paddling Puppeteers..... and much more.
      See our new WDD 2015 Poster
      See our Invitation

      Glen Caradus ~ the Paddling Puppeteers

  194. New Friends' Member Wins Maximilian Dinner
      One fun activity of our recent Stewart Park Festival event provided an opportunity for new members and membership renewals to win a $50 gift certificate, from the popular Maximilian Dining Lounge in Perth. Well-known local environmentalist, Jim Ronson took out a new membership during the Festival, and he and his wife became the first lucky recipients of this program. They plan to enjoy the culinary benefits of the new membership soon, at Maximilian's beautiful location by the Tay Basin.
      Read the full story, including two more opportunities to win gift certificates from Maximilian's, on our Membership page.

  195. Volunteers Wanted to Map Aquatic Plants
      The People, Aquatic Plants and Healthy Lakes Project is looking for volunteers who would like to take part in mapping aquatic vegetation along their lake.
      Full Media Release

  196. Internal Waves ~ July 2015
      The Friends have released our association's newsletter for July, with information on our many current watershed activities, including plans for Stewart Park Festival this coming weekend. Please drop by and say hello.
      Click here for PDF Version.

  197. Grant for Stormwater Treatment Improvements
      The Friends are encouraged by the announcement that the Town of Perth has been successful in obtaining a $1.54 million grant which will help the Tay River by:
      • Implementing stormwater quality control measures for major outfalls
      • Implementing a sump pump disconnection program
      • Implementing urban and rural best practices
      Read the Perth Courier story
      Read the Internal Waves article

  198. News on Bobs Lake Dam Reconstruction Project
  199. FoTW Booth at Kidfish A Big Success

      Carol Dillon reported that the FoTW booth at KidFish on June 20th at the Basin in Perth was a big success -- lots of kids and adults dropped by, and two of her granddaughters distributed about 200 copies of the Fish Colouring Book to "fishers" and others around the basin. It was a beautiful day.

  200. Rain in the Rideau Valley Puts End to Drought For Now
      RVCA reports that for the first time since November 2014, the precipitation indicators are all close to normal which means that the Rideau watershed is no longer in a drought.
      Full Release
  201. Still Not Enough Rain in the Rideau Valley
      According to the RVCA: "Despite rain over the last week, drought conditions persist." The media release goes on to say: "The reservoir lakes for the Rideau Canal are all close to targets for the time of year having benefitted from heavier rainfall in the upper parts of the watershed with close to 40 millimetres measured at Bobs Lake and over 30 millimetres at Rideau Ferry on Big Rideau Lake over the weekend. Outflows from Bobs Lake have increased which will bring the water level in Christie Lake higher and increase flows in the Tay River but how long that will last depends on sustained rainfall."
      Full Release
      Ontario's Low Water Responce Program
  202. The Dam at Bolingbroke to be Replaced
      According to a June 1st "backgrounder" issued by Parks Canada: "Bobs Lake Dam in the community of Bolingbroke in Frontenac County will be demolished and replaced with a new concrete dam that meets current engineering safety codes and standards. This will ensure that the new dam remains reliable and functional and water management capabilities are optimized. Bobs Lake serves as one of the main reservoir lakes for the Tay River." The cost is estimated at $3.1 million. This will be part of a a larger infrastructure program for the Rideau Canal system. Don Butler of the Ottawa Citizen characterized it this way: "Moving to address years of neglect, the federal government will spend nearly $40 million over the next five years to repair and replace crumbling infrastructure along the 183-year-old Rideau Canal." One third of the total amount will be spent within the city of Ottawa.
      Read full backgrounder.
      Read the related Press Release
      Read the related Ottawa Citizen article
  203. Next Stage in our Tay River Sampling Program in Perth
      We are pleased to announce that, on May 8, our association signed an agreement with the Town of Perth to collaborate on a program to sample the Wilson Street stormwater system, as the next stage in determining stormwater pollution sources. Peggy Land, who has delivered our sampling program in the town section of the Tay River over the past four years, will manage the project, with Board member Sarah Anderson, in cooperation with Perth staff. The sampling program, to be executed following rain, will target five storm water inlets along the length of the Wilson Street storm sewer line. The program will develop a profile of the accumulation of E-coli concentrations along Wilson Street, eventually flowing into the Tay River, with the objective of pinpointing sources of the pollution.
  204. Scholarship Opportunity Extended
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed Association in partnership with the Little Stream Bakery of Glen Tay announced this week that the closing date for applications for the $1000 Water Guardian Scholarship has been extended from Friday May 22 to Friday June 12, 2015. Read the full media release.
  205. ATM and Marine Safety Session
      The Tay Valley Police Services Board is sponsoring an ATV and Marine Safety Workshop on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at the Tay Valley Township Municipal Office, 217 Harper Road
  206. Otty Lake Shoreline Assessment Summary Report
      The Otty Lake Association has just released its SHoreline Assessment Summary Report. The condition of the Otty Lake shoreline directly impacts on the health of Otty Lake. The Summary Report is a new resource that provides baseline data that will help in the planning of future Otty Lake shoreline stewardship activities. The Report is a lake-wide summary of the information gathered through the 2013 Love Your Lake surveying of 474 Otty Lake shoreline properties (totalling 93.3 % of the Otty Lake shoreline).
      Read the Summary Report
  207. Emerging Drought Conditions in the Rideau Valley
      According to the RVCA: "Streamflows are still on the decline following the third lowest spring freshet flow since 1964 and are now below normal at all recording stations throughout the watershed. Target water levels in the Rideau Canal reservoir lakes have been reached but, in order to achieve the targets for Bobs Lake, outflows had to be reduced causing particularly low flows in the Tay River. This may have an impact on the success of fish spawning."
      Full Release
      Read More
      Ontario's Low Water Responce Program
  208. Applications Open for Water Guardian Scholarship

  209. FoTW AGM on March 24th
  210. Internal Waves ~ October 2014

  211. Financial Statements 2014

  212. Water Quality Testing in the Tay in Cooperation with the Town of Perth

      Over the past several years, our association has carried out a program of water quality testing on the Tay River in Perth, with particular focus on the Stewart Park area and on the impact of untreated storm water as it enters the river adding e-coli bacteria. This work has complemented the valuable program carried out annually by Rideau Valley Conservation Authority since 1998, testing for thirty factors including E-coli, not specifically in the Stewart Park area. In 2013, the Town of Perth also began testing the Tay River within the town, with a focus on testing for ten factors including E-coli but again not in the Stewart Park area where so many enjoy being in the water.

      In 2012 our association's testing program was carried out between Rogers Road and Craig Street Bridge. Significantly elevated E-coli counts were noted on re-testing one site in the Stewart Park area after heavy rain (see the 2012 report posted previously). In 2013, all sites tested in Stewart Park and the Last Duel docks site showed high levels of E-coli after rain. However, when there had been no rain, levels were within the safe-swimming limit of 100 parts e-coli per 100 ml. water. See this 2013 report posted previously. The RVCA and Town testing found similar results as shown in this part B of our 2013 Summary report below.

      Given the findings of the 2013 program, regarding the high e-coli levels entering the river following a rainfall, our association decided that more information was needed on how long these high levels continued. In other words, at what point might it be safer to swim again in areas of the river impacted directly by storm water outlets. The 2014 testing program determined that the high levels remained for at least 24 hours after rain ended. See the 2014 Report.

      The obvious next question is “what is the source of the e-coli and where is it entering the system? In January 2015, our association and the town decided to address this, and a second level of testing has been agreed to, aimed at documenting the e-coli sources. The Wilson Street Stormwater system was selected for a trial program, which will begin this summer. Our association is charged with developing the sampling program, and carrying out the testing, and the Town's Environmental Services Department will provide the equipment and funding for the tests.

      The Town apparently plans to continue its river water quality testing, which is in the final year of the three year program.

      This testing program has been organised and carried out in accordance with the Health Unit's Standards, thanks to the dedicated work of Board member Peggy Land and her team.

  213. Little Tay Flows

    Flood Stage in the Little Tay
    Natural Control
    Above Cavers Bridge
    Stewart Park
    Code Park
    Drummond Street Culvert
    Move cursor over images for a closer look

      The following email message from Frank Roy to Michael Yee (RVCA) and Grant Mahon (Town of Perth) contains FoTW Comments on the Tay River Dams Recommendation, including suggestions for maintaining stable water levels in the Little Tay.
      Click for email message

  214. Consultation on Pondweed Recovery Strategy

  215. Winner of Tay Quilt Lottery Announced ~ December 2014

    The Quilt
    Donated by the Lanark County Quilters Guild

    The Draw
    by Susan Freeman (C) with VP Carol Dillon (L)
    and Treasurer Frank Roy (R)

    The Winner
    Leanne Merriman with Frank Roy
    Move cursor over images for a closer look

      'We are pleased to advise that the winner of the raffle for this beautiful quilt, the ticket for which was drawn on November 24th at Tay valley Township by Councillor Susan Freeman, is Leanne Merriman of Smiths Falls. The quilt was presented to Leanne on December 11th, by members of the Board. Thanks again to the members of Lanark County Quilters Guild, for the generous donation of the quilt. The proceeds from the lottery will go to placing a 'Tay View' bench in an appropriate spot along the Tay River, as one of our association's projects to mark the area's upcoming 200th anniversary, the location of which will be announced later this winter.

  216. Internal Waves ~ October 2014

  217. Watershed Discovery Day 2014
      Join the Friends of the Tay Watershed and the Perth Farmers' Market on Saturday, August 16th for an interesting and fun way for the whole family to find out what is happening with our water, lakes and rivers in the Tay watershed. Story Time, Long Sault Trio, hands-on displays, ask the experts .....and much more.
      Press Release

  218. FoTW Joins Riverwatch Program

      On August 5th, in Stewart Park, the Friends of the Tay Watershed participated in a T-shirt exchange with the Ottawa Riverkeeper, marking the Friends'  formal joining of the River Watch Program. Meaghan Murphy, River Watch Coordinator, standing fourth from left, is joined by the Friends'  Board of Directors and Advisory Panel.

      This is a logical partnership for both the FoTW and the Ottawa Riverkeeper. As our association's T-shirts say "We all live downstream!" and the Ottawa is the eventual destination for anything found in the Tay River.

      The River Watch Program consists of almost two dozen watchers and the Friends of the Tay Watershed stands out as the furthest west of the watchers, in the interior of the Rideau-Ottawa River basin. The aim of the watchers along the Ottawa and its tributaries is to monitor their area for developments, natural or otherwise, that have potential for impact on the streams.

      More information on the River Watch Program may be seen at:

  219. Water Guardian Scholarship 2014
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed Association are pleased to announce that the 2014 Water Guardian Scholarship has been awarded to Derek Oliver of Perth, Ontario.
      Full Press Release

  220. New Operating By-law
      The FoTW now has a new Operating By-law. The draft By-law, which was approved at the AGM in March, now has government approval. The FoTW has received a Certificate of Continuance which will allow the organization to continue to operate as a registered Charity, in order to pusue its mandate.
      New Operating By-law

  221. Trillium Foundation Supports Local Research into Algae and Aquatic Plant Growth

      The Friends are pleased to be part of an important project to support local research into algae and aquatic plant growth.Thanks to a generous grant of $149,500 from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF), community groups, scientists and watershed agencies are teaming up to learn about what is impacting the health of lakes in Eastern Ontario and to look for new ways to make changes in order to protect our lakes and rivers.
      Full Media Release

      L to R: Mike Yee, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority; Kaitlin Brady, OTF funded project coordinator; Kelly Stiles Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA); Jeff Ward, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources; Robert Cosh, Friends of the Tay Watershed (FoTW) and Otty Lake Association; Gordon Monroe, OTF, Jesse Vermaire, Carleton University; Sean Benjamin, Carleton University; Alyson Symon, MVCA; Wendell Crosbie, Lanark Fish and Game Club; Anne Carter, Upper Rideau Lake Association; Barbara King, Center for Sustainable Watersheds; Karen Hunt, Lake Networking Group, Otty lake Association; Frank Roy, FoTW; Laurel Rudd, Ontario Ministry of the Environment

  222. Tay Quilt Lottery
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed Association have announced a lottery for a beautiful quilt, the proceeds of which will go to placing benches at selected viewpoints on the Tay. The project, known as Tay View Benches, is being organized by the Friends as one of their activities to celebrate the area's 200th Anniversary. The quilt was created by members of the Lanark County Quilters Guild, who will be producing a second, anniversary quilt for 2016.
      More Information ~ Full Media Release

  223. AGM 2013 News
      AT the 2013 AGM chaired by outgoing President, Debra Bellevue, members heard Chris Stone summarize the achievements during the past year. Treasurer Frank Roy summarized the financial picture and presented a "stay the course" Budget for 2014, which was approved by members. Frank also presented the new draft By-laws and outlined the process to obtain the Certificate of Continuance, which is required by legislation for all registered charities. Members approved a resolution to apply for the Certificate of Continuance, together with the new By-laws. Members also ratified the new Board slate and David Taylor was proclaimed the new President. David thanked Debra Bellevue and Chris Stone for their invaluable contributions over the years. Joanne Sparks was also thanked in absentia for her contributions. All three are stepping off the Board this year.

      At a brief Board meeting after the AGM, Carol Dillon was appointed as Vice-President and Acting Secretary. Frank Roy will continue as Treasurer and Membership Director and Peggy Land was appointed as Water Quality Director.

      Outgoing President, Debra Bellevue, presiding over the 2013 AGM

  224. New FoTW Draft By-laws

      Notice for Members of the Friends of the Tay Watershed Association: The update of the Canada Not For Profit Corporations Act, in 2009, required that all federally incorporated not-for-profit associations review their by-laws to ensure that they comply with the new Act and with the new the Regulations that govern it. Our association's original by-laws date back to June 2001, when they were first approved by the members. They have served the purpose well, and have been unchanged aside from two minor amendments approved by the members in 2007.

      As required, your Board has undertaken a thorough review of the by-laws over recent months, and has revised sections that needed to be adapted to the new Act. There are also a few sections of our original by-laws that could be dispensed with, because they are now covered by the Act or Regulations. The results of this review are posted here, as a proposed new set of by-laws for our association. Click here for new draft By-laws and to compare with old By-laws click here.

      At our Annual General Meeting of March 26th, a notice for which has been posted on this website, the Board will ask the Association's membership to approve the new by-laws. Your assistance is requested in reviewing these beforehand. Your comments and questions would be welcome, either before the meeting, at (613) 264 8856, or by e-mail, or at the Annual General Meeting.

      We look forward to your participation in this process.

      Board of Directors

  225. CFUW Annual Environmental Meeting

      The Canadian Federation of University Women of Perth and District invites you to our annual environment meeting on April 14, 2014, which this year is about how climate change impacts us locally. We are most fortunate to have as speaker, James P. Bruce, nationally and internationally known for his expertise in climate change impacts and adaptation responses. The meeting is at 7PM at the Royal Canadian Legion Building , 26 Beckwith Street East , Perth .

      Mr. Bruce will speak on the possible effects climate change could have on Eastern Ontario and in particular on the Tay River and Rideau Watersheds with the resultant impacts on the surrounding areas including local towns and townships. Much needs to be undertaken at the community level, involving all citizens, to promote effective adaptation to a changing climate. Come and hear about the impacts and what you might be able to do.

      Press Release

  226. FoTW Annual General Meeting for 2013
      To be held 4:00 to 6:00 pm March 26, 2014 at McMartin House, 125 Gore Street East, Perth
  227. Omya annual public meeting
      The OMYA PTTW meeting is scheduled for Thursday Feb 27 at 7:00pm at the Best Western Plus, Parkside Inn & Spa, 82 Peter St., Perth. This is a public meeting held as a condition of OMYA's Permit To Take Water. It is intended to give the public annual information on the operation of the permit. All citizens who are interested in the use of water from the Tay should attend this meeting to learn how OMYA used their allotment of water last year.
      See Report on Water Taking by Omya Canada Inc. from the Tay River & Groundwater for the Calendar Year 2013
  228. Perth Waste Water Expansion Environmental Assessment
      Material provided at the public meeting for the wastewater capacity expansion on February 5, 2014
      ~ click here
  229. 2013 E-Coli Report
      Samples were taken from three sites this year, all popular swimming spots in Perth, before and after rain. All three showed high levels of E-Coli after rain but not before, likely due to untreated storm water being channeled quickly into the Tay.
      Read the report.
  230. 13th Annual Watershed Discovery Day
  231. New Ways to Enjoy the Tay
      There are two new ways to enjoy the Tay Watershed in the Perth Area.
      • Tay Canal Tours have revived an old tradition dating back to the late 1800's by offering guided tours of the Tay Canal. The narrated tours take place aboard the classic 24 foot tour boat, the Blue Goose.
        Tay Canal Tour website ~
        Media Release ~ July 30, 2013
      • Perth Outfitters now offer canoes, kayaks, rowboats and other water craft to make it easier for people to get out on the Tay on their own.
        Perth Outfitters Website ~
  232. Revised FoTW Mission Statement and Strateguc Direction
      The Board of the FoTW has come up with a revised mission statement and some key areas of strategic focus, which they wish to share with members and receive feedback ~ see details.
  233. Lake Views
      The Greater Bobs and Crow Lakes Association has released its very impressive Spring / Summer 2013 Magazine.
      Click for a copy.
  234. Tay River Planting Day A Success!
      More than 30 enthusiastic volunteer planters turned up to help restore the shore at the Town of Perth Water Treatment Plant & Operation Facility. Over 1,000 bare root and potted trees and shrubs were planted to reduce erosion, enhance wildlife habitat, filter contaminants, slow stormwater runoff and contribute to the safety of Perth's drinking water supplies. More...
  235. Local Perspectives on Climate Change: A Call to Action
      The Canadian Federation of University Women sponsored a forum on climate change, in collaboration with the Friends of the Tay Watershed, 7:30 pm, April 15th, at the Royal Canadian Legion, 26 Beckwith Street East, Perth, Ontario. Panelists included Rideau Valley Conservation Authority's Bruce Reid, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority's Paul Lehman, Lanark County Warden Bill Dobson, Town of Perth Mayor John Fenik and Environmental Consultant Jackie Oblak. The forum was moderated by Lynn Preston of the Centre for Sustainable Watersheds.
      News Release
      More information
      All 5 Presentations are now available on Skydrive by clicking "Climate Change" box below:
      ( Select presentation and after Powerpoint Web App loads, click on "Start Slide Show" and advance slides by clicking on them.)

    Click to play this Smilebox slideshow

  236. RVCA Completes Tay River Floodplain Mapping Project
      LANARK COUNTY, March 4, 2013 ~ The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has just completed a floodplain mapping project along the Tay River. The project has identified flood prone areas along the river¯ areas that are expected to be inundated during extreme flood events.
      Entire Press Release
      Technical Report (Large document with lots of maps & technical data)
  237. FoTW Annual General Meeting for 2012
      To be held 3:00 to 5:00 pm February 28, 2013 at the Perth Museum, 11 Gore Street
  238. At Home in Tay Valley
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are invited to contribute to At Home in Tay Valley - a legacy book project planned for Tay Valley Township's 200th anniversary of settlement celebrations in 2016. Please see the attached for more details.
      Call for submissions

  239. Winner of 2012 Water Guardian Scholarship Announced
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are pleased to annouce the winner of the 2012 Water Guardian Scholarship ~ Laura Symon of Glen Tay.
      Press Release

      Carol Dillon, Chris Stone (left) and Debra Bellevue (right) present cheque to Laura Symon

  240. Hover over image
    for larger view.
    "Done Dory" has been sold.
      She will now ply the waters of Mississippi Lake with her new owner John Hannam, who hails from Thunder Bay, at the helm. Frank Roy has generously donated the proceeds from the sale to the Friends - a mighty thank-you to Frank.
  241. Stickleback "Done Dory" For Sale ~ NOW SOLD
      Frank Roy has put his beautiful hand-crafted Stickleback dory up for sale until November 12th, with the proceeds to be donated to the Friends of the Tay Watershed for their educational and outreach programs. The craft comes with oars and complete sailing kit all on a 16 foot Trailer. The selling price has been listed at $1,500 or best offer.
      Click for more information and pictures...

  242. 12th Annual Watershed Discovery Day

      Sunday September 23 - Friends of the Tay Watershed present: Watershed Discovery Day from 1 to 5 pm at the Crystal Palace on the banks of the Tay River in downtown Perth. To mark our return to the town, we will celebrate Our Town, Our River, Our Watershed with a great variety of live performances, displays and music. Come and enjoy a fun, informative and completely free afternoon for the whole family! And free popcorn!

      Special features include a return of the ever-popular Paddling Puppeteer, RVCA's benthic invertebrates straight out of the Tay River, beautiful quilts inspired by the Tay River by the Lanark County Quilter's Guild, Live music by the Thorny Issues.....and much more. And did we mention the free popcorn?

      Press Release ~ for more information
      Poster for 2012 WDD
      RVCA's Hands-On Aquatic Fun Description
      Street View Map
      Slideshow for WDD 2012
      Slideshow for WDD 2011
      The Paddling Puppeteers and Cool Captain Climate Video
      (high speed preferable ~ click bottom right button for full screen video)

  243. The Skiff has been Sold
      Wonderful to see the skiff in the water again.
      Hover over image for larger view.
      The Friends have been successful in selling the beautiful Jack Walker-built St. Laurence skiff , which was donated to the FoTW by Nancy Kenyon(click for details). The proceeds will be used to support ongoing educational programs of the FoTW. Our sincere thanks go out to the successful bidder, Dr. Rob Roberts of Westport, as well as to Nancy, whose original donation made these funds available for the benefit of the Tay Watershed.

  244. Tay River e-Coli Testing Project
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed, in collaboration with the Perth and District Canadian Federation of University Women, have released their report on the Tay River e-Coli Testing Project, conducted in July 2012. Funding was provided by the Perth and District Community Foundation, together with the two collaborating organizations.
      Read the Report
  245. Level II Low Water Conditions
      RVCA has confirmed that the Rideau River watershed (including the Tay Watershed) is now experiencing Level II Low Water Conditions. Under a Level II Low Water Condition, watershed residents, businesses and industries throughout the Rideau Valley are asked to reduce their water use by 20%.
  246. RVCA Launches Tay River Floodplain Mapping Project
      The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has started a floodplain mapping project of the Tay River from Glen Tay Road to Lower Rideau Lake.
  247. FoTW's St. Laurence Skiff for Sale ~ SOLD
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are looking to sell this locally significant, beautiful craft. This linked document gives more detail about the skiff and its history. We are giving our membership and friends community the first opportunity to express interest in purchasing it. If you are interested, please reply to by 15 June 2012. A viewing will be arranged subsequently. Feel free to bring this to the attention of anyone you think might be interested.
  248. FoTW wins Tri-Valley Conservation Award
      It was a great night for the Tay Watershed! Your association, the Friends of the Tay Watershed, won the Community Group category. More
  249. Tayside Times
  250. Grant from PDCF
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed in collaboration with the Environment Committee of the Canadian Federation of University Women (Perth) are pleased to announce that they have received a funding grant from the Perth and District Community Foundation (PDCF). This grant will enable testing for the first time in 15 years to see what risk there is in swimming in the Tay River.
      See full Press Release

      Peggy Land (FoTW and CFUW) and Carol Dillon (FoTW) at PDCF Granting Ceremony

  251. AGM Minutes
      A new Board was elected at the AGM on January 31, 2012. For all of the AGM minutes and materials, including the AGM slide-show ~ click here.
  252. Tay Sub-watershed catchments
      As part of the new Tay River Sub-watershed Plan now being completed, the sub-watershed map has been revised to include the Town of Perth in a single catchment area, rather than three separate areas.
      Click here for the new Sub-watershed Map.
  253. FoTW Scholarships Awarded
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed are pleased to announce the winners of the 2011 Water Guardian Scholarships ~ Augusta Lipscombe and Eli Crapper of Westport.

      Eli Crapper & Augusta Lipscombe receive their awards from Chris Stone (far left) and Carol Dillon & Colin Stephenson (right)

      Press Release
      Augusta's story
      Eli's story

  254. New Tay Canal Photo Video
      Ken Watson has just created the wonderful photo video of the Tay Canal from Beveridges Locks to the Town of Perth as currently shown on our Home page. Ken notes that "This short (6 minute) photo video will show you some of the sights at the Beveridges Lockstation and then carry on up the Tay Canal to the town of Perth. Beveridges features a locking through of classic boats, an osprey (and the osprey platform at the lock) and the tug Tay. Next stop is the dam on the Tay River and then up to Lock 5 of the 1st Tay Canal before carrying on into the Perth basin.

      Click on the Play Arrow button in the middle of the video to start it. Note that the video defaults to playing at 480p, but you can select 720p HD once the video starts playing (look for "480p" in the lower right of the video once it starts playing, click on that, and then select 720p)

      This is part of a south to north series of the Rideau Canal, each video focussing on a single lockstation and the waterway between it and the next lockstation." Ken's other videos to date can be seen at

  255. Low Water Condition
      September 27, 2011 Based on streamflow and precipitation indicators, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) is declaring a Level 1 Low Water Condition in the Rideau River watershed. Under this condition, all residents and industrial water users are encouraged to voluntarily reduce their water use by at least 10%. More information.
  256. John Gittens
      John Gittens~ helping at WDD 2010
      It is with great sadness that we note the passing of Friends of the Tay Watershed Board Member John Gittens on September 9th. John was a highly respected member of the Board and a free spirit who gave so much of himself to his passionately-held interests, particularly within the arts and environmental communities. John will be sorely missed by all who knew him, because he made our community a better place. He is shown in a picture to the right, with his customary warm smile as he staffed the Friends booth at Watershed Discovery Day last September. Our deepest sympathies to Ruth . For more information on arrangements and messages of condolence, please click here.

  257. 11th Annual Watershed Discovery Day
      Sunday September 18 - Friends of the Tay Watershed present: Watershed Discovery Day from 1 to 5 pm. The theme is Climate Change and there will be workshops and presentations by Diana Beresford-Kroeger, Paul Eggington and Franz Klingender, over 20 exhibits, interactive displays, Cool Captain Climate puppet shows, the Earthrise Players Watershed Beings, fish pond, tattoos and much more for the whole family. Free admission. Please join us for this Sunday afternoon celebration of the Tay for the whole family at the ECOTAY education centre ~ 942 Upper Scotch Line at corner of Menzies Munro Side Road. This year focussing on Children's Activities and Climate Change.
      Press Release
      Poster for 2011 WDD
      Schedule of Activities for WDD 2011
      Lake 88 audio announcement
      Directions to get there
      Slideshow for WDD 2011 ~ NEW
      Tay Valley Township WDD Facebook Pictures
      The Paddling Puppeteers and Cool Captain Climate Video

  258. Paddle the Tay
      On June 25th, twenty-seven 'paddlers' in 19 canoes and kayaks, from the Perth area and as far away as Ottawa, Manotick and Almonte, participated in a guided tour down the Tay Canal from Perth to Beveridges Locks. Along the way, experts from Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Parks Canada, and Agriculture Canada provided comments and explanations of the local flora and fauna, and also history - the Tay Canal is now in its 177th year. The event was organised by the Friends of the Tay Watershed, in cooperation with the Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County. Thank you to Parks Canada for providing free passage through the Beveridges Locks.
      Click here for slide show of event.
  259. Mills of the Tay
      A revised version of the Mills of the Tay, written by David Taylor, is now avalable on our website.
      Click here for PDF version. (813 k)
  260. Solutions for Shoreline Erosion
      RIDEAU VALLEY, JUNE 14, 2011 ¯ A new handbook is available to help landowners protect their shorelines. The Solutions for Shoreline Erosion Handbook goes beyond the traditional approaches to reduce erosion such as riprap or seawalls; it highlights options that use natural materials. Great for lakes, rivers, streams, creeks and drains across Eastern Ontario, the booklet shows different methods for different sites based on slopes, soils and space. It outlines the advantages and disadvantages of each method and includes contact information for agencies where permits and/or approvals might be necessary before starting a project.
      Click here for booklet (1.1MB PDF document)
  261. Tay 175th Video
      A retrospective look at the Tay Canal 175th Anniversary celebrations has been captured on video and is now available on this website.
      Click here for video.
  262. Treasuring the Tay
      The Canadian Federation of University Women, Perth held a panel discussion on April 18th on the topic "Treasuring the Tay....How can we make it safe for swimming again?" Panelists included Dr. Paula Stewart (Leeds, Grenville, Lanark Health Unit), Patrick Larsen (RVCA), Carol Dillon (FoTW), Grant Mahon (Town of Perth), Alfred Von Mirbach (ecoPerth) and John McKenty (Stewart Park Festival).
      Meeting summary (to come)
      Picture of Panel
      Chart of E.Coli levels in Tay provided by RVCA ~ note rising trend above recognized safe count (100 bacteria per 100 milliliters of water)
      E.Coli Data for Tay provided by RVCA
  263. Macroinvertebrate Survey Report Released
      After several unexpected delays, the final report “Tay River Macroinvertebrate Survey-2009" has been completed.
      Press Release (to come)
      Full Report(note: use your browser's zoom feature to select a comfortable text and image size for you.)
      Related News
  264. Haggart Island Dams
      At its Feb. 1, 2011 meeting, the Town of Perth Committee of the Whole supported the restoration of the Haggart Dam Project and referred it to the 2011 Budget Process for consideration. This project calls for the restoration of the Rainbow Bridge weir as soon as possible and the weir on the main channel within 3 to 5 years.
      Click here for RVCA presentation. (large PDF file)
  265. Tayside Times
  266. Children's Water Festival
      Each year the Friends sponsor two local Grade 4 classes, providing bussing and volunteers to enable them to attend the Children's Water Festival at Foley Mountain.
      Click here for story and pictures.
  267. Omya slurry spill report ~ Dec. 3, 2010
      Omya reports that the cause of the slurry spill to Rudsdale Creek, dated June 23rd, 2010 has been identified and corrected, and that the results of the Ministry of the Environment water testing showed no impact on human health or the environment.
      Full Final Report
      Initial Report
  268. RVCA Watershed Conditions Bulletin ~ Nov. 30, 2010
      Present weather forecasts call for rainfall this week of 50 millimetres (mm) or more. No overbank flooding is expected along the Tay River. The Rideau Canal reservoir lakes are all above targets for the time of year and levels can be expected to increase through Thursday. More information...
  269. Bicycling is taking off in the Perth area
      A little-known treasure now available in Perth is the map of some of the most attractive bicycle routes in the area and it can be downloaded at no cost from the Perth and District Chamber website. Produced by the Chamber's Cycling Committee, the leaflet provides detailed directions for eight tours, and - most interesting - information on the sights and recommended visits along the way! The round-trip tours range in length from a leisurely 15 km. visit to historic Glen Tay hamlet, to beautiful Fallbrook or Fergusons Falls, both at 25 kms., scenic Murphy's Point Park, 42 kms., and up to a serious 93 kms. to Maberly and back. The Cycling Committee is to be commended for its ongoing work in developing facilities for bicyclists, and organizing cycling events in the area. To download the maps, visit the Chamber site at
  270. Tay River Pathway
      The Lanark County Municipal Trails Corporation unveiled its new Tay River Pathway Trail head Signs on September 8th. This marked the completion of the first phase of the project that will provide an accessible trail behind Lanark Lodge for people with disabilities. Phase 2 which will extend the trail to the Tay River is currently underway. Some members of the FoTW were part of the work parties on September 6th (Labour Day fittingly enough) and October 31st which cleared the trail and vistas to the Tay River itself.
  271. Water now a human right
      On July 28, 2010, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly agreed to a resolution declaring the human right to "safe and clean drinking water and sanitation."¯
      More info....
  272. Paddling Puppeteer at Stewart Park Festival
      The Friends are sponsoring the Paddling Puppeteer at the Stewart Park Festival on Saturday July 17th. His free shows will take place near the Children's Tent in Stewart Park. Show times are 11:30 to 12:00, 12:30 to 1:00 and 1:30 to 2:00. Paddling Puppeteer Glen is a treat for kids of all ages. The Friends also have a booth at the Festival to help celebrate its 20th anniversary, so please plan to drop in for visit.
  273. Accidental slurry release from OMYA Facility in Glen Tay
      The Ministry of the Environment just gave $418,000 to help local farmers, businesses and landowners around municipal wells and intakes in the Mississippi and Rideau valleys.
      More information...
      Funding details...
  275. Tay Watershed Times Released
  276. We are now on Facebook ~ come visit us
  277. Tay Valley Township News
      TVT has asked for our help to get out the word about its request for photos for its new website and for its planned relocation back to 217 Harper Road by March 24th.
      More information...
  278. Hats off to 'Captain Otty'
      The Otty Lake Association produces an excellent newsletter ~ the informative and attractive 'Captain Otty's Log'. We thought others might like to have a look.
      Click here for March 2010 edition.
  279. Accessibility Improvement at Conservation Areas
      Thanks to a generous donation from the Audette Foundation, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority will be able to improve accessibility at local conservation areas. More...
  280. Tayside Times ~ now available
      The January 2010 edition of our newsletter, with its new name ~ The Tayside Times ~ is now available.
      Click here.
      Note: This newsletter has been formatted to print out on four pages (excluding attachments) for those members receiving paper copies. If you are viewing the newsletter on line, you may want to zoom in with your browser for ease of viewing. It is better for the environment if you do not print this newsletter, but if you wish to do so, you may want to scale back your print size to about 90% to print it out on 4 pages.
  281. FoTW takes the Plunge ~ Jan 1, 2010
      The FoTW collaborated with a number of other organizations to help the Polar Plunge raise $25,000 for the Food Bank. Cudos to Chris Stone and Kenneth Cook for taking the plunge and raising dobnations for this great cause!!! What a great way to kick off 2010.
  282. FoTW Salutes Little Stream Bakery (November 18, 2009)
      The Friends of the Tay Watershed salutes Graham Beck of the Little Stream Bakery in Glen Tay for his commitment to environmentally sustainable business practices and his support for local environmental organizations. Click here for the full story.
  283. Walkerton Interview (November 16, 2009)
      Lake 88 has created a podcast of an interview with Carol Dillon and Bruce Davidson on the Walkerton tragedy, For those who were unable to make the Perspectives on Water presentation on Walkerton, this interview conducted prior to the event will give you a flavour for the event itself.
      Listen to the Lake 88 Interview Podcast (high speed preferable)
  284. "Walkerton, the cost of getting it wrong"
  285. RVCA Shoreline Project
      The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority has a new program that helps waterfront property owners establish or enhance natural shorelines. The program provides site visits by experienced biologists, extra muscle for the actual replanting and know-how to plan and order any plants you need. And, best of all, the program has grants of up to $1,000 for approved shoreline naturalization projects.
      More information...
  286. Tay Watershed Discovery Day
  287. Mussel Study in Tay Watershed
  288. Art of Being Green Festival
      On July 11-12, the Friends of the Tay Watershed took part in the Art of Being Green Festival in Middleville, Ontario. This festival has the reputation of being one of the best environmental festivals around and it lived up to its reputation again this year. The AOGB brings together an eclectic mix of organizations and individuals who provide green alternatives for people who wish to live an environmentally sensitive lifestyle. The FoTW went with a wetlands preservation theme again this year, including our interactive wetlands model, materials to show the benefits of wetlands to the ecosystem and wetlands critters to be examined. Many thanks to all of the volunteer staffers, as well as to Duck Unlimited Canada and RVCA for their contributions to our booth.
      Click here for brief slideshow, shortened by the weather and camera neglect. (click F11 key for full screen viewing).
        Note that if you are using dial-up, you may have to lengthen the interval time on the slideshow. To do this, bring up the slideshow, then place your cursor on the screen near the bottom of the image and click on the "+" sign to increase the interval time from 3 to about 10 seconds. That should give your internet connection enough time to focus the pictures.
  289. Tay 175th Official Launch
      The Official Launch of the Tay Canal 175th Anniversary celebrations took place on May 16th. The launch, centered at the Crystal Palace on the Perth Basin, included the Farmer's Market, Parks Canada working exhibits, Kettle Boys, canoe/ kayak flotilla, Perth Pipe Band, Voyageur canoes, fiddle music, and much more. Participating in the opening ceremonies were Mayor John Fenik, MP Scott Reid, MPP Randy Hillier, Reeve Aubrey Churchill, Warden Paul Dulmage, and Rideau Canal Superintendent Gord Giffin.
      Click here for a slideshow of the event, with thanks to Ernie and Carol Trischuk (click F11 key for full screen viewing).
        Note that if you are using dial-up, you may have to lengthen the interval time on the slideshow. To do this, bring up the slideshow, then place your cursor on the screen near the bottom of the image and click on the "+" sign to increase the interval time from 3 to about 10 seconds. That should give your internet connection enough time to focus the pictures.
  290. Shoreline Naturalization Project
      On April 30th, the first phase of the Shoreline Naturalization Project was successfully carried out in Last Duel Park in Perth. The project is to be named the Wendy Laut Ribbon of Life to honour former Perth Deputy Mayor and environmentalist, Wendy Laut. It is to be a real-life demonstration of the value of shoreline naturalization and a lasting legacy of the Tay Canal 175th Anniversary celebration. Collaborators in this project include: Friends of the Tay Watershed, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Gill Hyland ~ HCG Common Ground, PDCI Environmental Program, Town of Perth and ecoPerth. A huge THANK YOU goes to all of the collaborators and particularly to the students in Greg Anderson's Enviro program who did so much of the work, with such great enthousiasm!!!
      Please click here for the slideshow (click F11 key for full screen viewing).
        Note that if you are using dial-up, you may have to lengthen the interval time on the slideshow. To do this, bring up the slideshow, then place your cursor on the screen near the bottom of the image and click on the "+" sign to increase the interval time from 3 to about 10 seconds. That should give your internet connection enough time to focus the pictures.
  291. Maplefest 2009
      The FoTW booth at Maplefest 2009, Saturday, April 25, was again successful in attracting many inquiries and in distributing a large amount of informational material. The theme for this year was the celebration of the Tay Canal 175th anniversary, the committee for which provided Tay Canal 175th T-shirts for wear by FoTW staffers during the day. Barbara Halpin, of the Tay 175 Anniversary Steering Committee, staffed her corner of the FoTW booth for the whole day. Thanks to Jim Humphrey for organizing and staffing the booth, as well as Karen and Murray Hunt, Colin Stephenson, Dave Crowley, Debra and Brian Bellevue and Matt Craig for the professional staffing provided.
      Click here for a brief slideshow.
      Note that if you are using dial-up, you may have to lengthen the interval time on the slideshow. To do this, bring up the slideshow, then place your cursor on the screen near the bottom of the image and click on the "+" sign to increase the interval time from 3 to about 10 seconds. That should give your internet connection enough time to focus the pictures.
  292. Show and tell the world about your Tay!
      We would like to hear from you about your own personal connection with the Tay. We intend to publish some personal reflections in the next edition of the Tay Watershed Times. Click here for more information.
  293. Polar Plunge
      At the 2009 Polar Plunge in Perth on January 1, Barbara Halpin, of the Tay 175 Anniversary Steering Committee, presents awards to the 'first plunger', Jeanette Buker, on her 15th New Year's dip into the Tay, and to the plunger with the most pledges, Lianne King of Sacred heart School. The Polar Plunge 2009 was the first event of the Tay Canal 175th Anniversary celebrations this year. The awards were, appropriately, towels with a Tay Canal 175 monogram, donated by Ms. Halpin." The event raised $10,000 for the Friends of Murphy Point Park Archaeo Apprentice program.
      Click here for pictures.
  294. Tay Watershed Times Newsletter
      The December 2008 edition of the Tay Watershed Times Newsletter is now available. Click here to read.
  295. Comment on the Mining Act
      You have until January 15 to comment on the Ministry of Northern Development and Mine's request for submissions on modernizing Ontario's Mining Act.
      Click here for more information.
  296. Seven Wonders and the Tay
      Several months ago the Friends of the Tay Watershed entered the "Seven Wonders of Lanark County" contest, with a nomination for the Tay River. All of the nominations are now listed on the Lanark County Tourism website and they are inviting people to vote for their favourite sites. You may want to check out the nominations by clicking here. May we make a shameless plug for your vote for the magnificent Tay River ~ the jewel of Lanark County (shown 3rd from the end of the alphabetical list of nominations)?
  297. Environmental Awards ~ 2008
      At their annual Watershed Discovery Evening in Perth on November 4, the Friends presented awards to Parks Canada's Rideau Canal Office, to the Art of Being Green Festival in Lanark, and to the Rideau Valley Field Naturalists. Click here for more information.
  298. Watershed Discovery Evening
  299. Celebrity Antique Auction
  300. Tay Canal Paddle & Shoreline Cleanup
      On Saturday, September 27, the FoTW and Lanark Stewardship Council cooperated in organising a paddle down the Tay Canal and shoreline cleanup, from Last Duel Park in Perth to Beveridges Locks in Drummond North Elmsley Township. The event was part of the annual Canada-wide Shoreline Cleanup delivered by the TD Bank and the Vancouver Aquarium. Twenty enthusiastic folks from several eastern Ontario locations paddled 16 canoes and kayaks down the ten km. long canal, picking up, as they went along, a range of plastic, paper and other garbage that had found a way into this usually pristine waterway. Five trash bags were filled - with pop cans, plastic bags, beverage bottles, and such out of place materials as vinyl siding and a propane tank.
      Click here for more information and pictures.
  301. Maude Barlow's Perspective on Water
  302. Maude Barlow comes to Perth! (*see new information links below)
  303. Tay 175th Logo Contest
      To kick off the activities for the Tay Canal 175th anniversary in 2009, a logo contest has been launched. Click here for details. The Friends of the Tay Watershed will be hosting the Tay 175th website and you can check out the planned events as they develop by clicking here.
  304. Canoe the Tay
      We are often asked for information on canoeing and kayaking opportunities in the Tay Watershed, so we have added a new feature called "Canoe the Tay". This feature is accessible from all major pages by clicking on the blue "Canoe the Tay" button on the left-side navigation bar.
  305. Art of Being Green Festival
  306. Website redesign
      We have redesigned our website to make it easier for you to find what you are searching for and to make it more efficient for us to make changes. We have tried to keep the original look and feel of the website and most of the content is still available, although it might be in a slightly different location. We have included a search tool, which you will find among the left-hand navigation buttons. At the moment, both old and new website versions are available side by side, but the old version will be removed shortly. If you have bookmarked certain pages, you may want to change your bookmarks to the new version. The new version is written in php rather than html, so the extensions on all major pages will be ".php" rather than ".html". For example, the address for this page is "".
  307. Groundwater Research in Tay Watershed
      An interim report on research in the Tay watershed was presented by Dr. Kent Novakowski, of the Civil Engineering Department, Queens University, at the Tay Watershed Stakeholders' Meeting on May 6, 2008.
      Click here for a summary slide show from this presentation.
      (Webmaster's note: Graphics and numerous slides have been removed to reduce the file size. With most recent browsers, this file will show as a slide show by clicking on the "Slide Show" icon and using your left mouse button to change slides.)
      Click here for Queen's University Research website.
  308. Kayak Dock is launched
      Volunteers met on May 20th to install the new kayak dock in the Perth Basin. This dock will make it much easier for kayakers and canoeists to launch and exit their boats right in the Perth Basin. Volunteers assembled in March to construct the dock in the Crystal Palace. This project is the result of a collaboration among Friends of the Tay Watershed, the Town of Perth and Adventure Agent. Funding was provided by Valley Heartland. The dock was designed and built by Friends of the Tay Watershed volunteers - Mel Dillon, Frank Roy, David Martin and David Taylor. Click here to see more and larger pictures.
  309. Historica award winners
      David Tysick was the winner of the FoTW award for the best Tay Canal or River project. David is a Grade Eight student at Glen Tay School and lives in Tay Valley Township. David's display is particularly timely as next year is the 175th Anniversary of the Tay Canal. Click here for a picture of David's display.
      Honorable mention went to the Sucker Lake Train Wreck display by Mitchell Crain, of Maberly. Mitchell is a Grade Seven student at Glen Tay School. Click here for a picture of Mitchell's display.
  310. Flood warning ~ April 9, 2008
  311. Flood Advisory ~ April 4, 2008
      RVCA adises that flows in all watershed rivers and streams are expected to rise gradually each day over the next week with the peak flow occurring towards the weekend of April 11-13.
      Click here for more information
  312. Kayak dock for Perth Basin
      Volunteers assembled in the "Crystal Place" on March 25th to construct a kayak dock for the Perth Basin. This dock will make it much easier for kayakers and canoeists to launch and exit their boats right in the Perth Basin. This project is the result of a collaboration among Friends of the Tay Watershed, the Town of Perth and Adventure Agent. Funding was provided by Valley Heartland.
  313. Flood Advisory ~ March 18, 2008
      RVCA adises that above average peak flows and water levels are expected on all streams in the Rideau Valley when the snowpack melts.
      Click here for more information
  314. CitizensInquiry on Impacts of Uranium Cycle
      The FoTW has been asked to help communicate information about the Citizens Inquiry on the Impacts of the Uranium Cycle
      Click here for information.
  315. Otty Lake Management Plan Completed
  316. 2008 Spring Tree Sale
      The Perth Civitan Club and ecoPerth are once again offering tree seedlings for sale this coming spring. This would be an excellent source for those wishing to improve their waterfront buffer areas. For more information on ordering the trees, please click here.
  317. Ducks Unlimited Perspective on Water
      Jamie Fortune, Regional Director for Ducks Unlimited Canada will do a presentation on on their major wetland conservation program. This is the second in the "Perspective on Water" series offered by the Friends of the Tay Watershed. Come and find out why Ducks Unlimited has the most water taking permits on the Tay and why that is a good thing.
      7:30pm, February 13th, PDCI Library, Perth
      Click here for more information
  318. Draft Otty Lake Management Plan
      The Otty Lake community has reached another milestone in planning for the long-term health of their lake. The draft Otty Lake Management Plan is now available for community review at
      Based on the information about the Otty Lake Watershed that was summarized in the Report on the State of Otty Lake and its Watershed, the draft Otty Lake Management Plan includes goals, objectives, actions and tasks that address the major issues identified by the lake community. All comments about the Draft Otty Lake Management Plan should be sent to before February 19, 2008.
      Paper copies of the draft Plan are available for public review at the Tay Valley Township and Drummond North Elmsley Municipal Offices and at the Perth and District Union Public Library.
  319. Come to our AGM
      January 29, 2008, 2:30 pm for coffee and 3:00 pm for AGM
      Dufferin Square Boardroom, Room 202, 105 Dufferin Street, Perth
      (located behind Wendy's and above Sears)
      Click here for details
  320. Watershed Google Map
      Want to find a particular location within the watershed? We have put up a link to Google Maps in our Image Gallery (click here to try it ).
      The map that comes up when you click on this link centers on the Tay River near Glen Tay. From here, you can either scroll to the desired location or enter the nearest street address and use the zoom feature for the desired view. The satellite option also provides an interesting view and you can easily move around by using the scroll and zoom features.
  321. Tay Watershed Times - December 2007
  322. Geology and Mining Report
      The report entitled "Geology, Mineral Deposits and History of Mining in the Tay River Watershed" is now available on-line. This report, written by geologist Donald Sherwin, for the Friends of the Tay Watershed Association contains a wealth of geological and mining information for our watershed. It includes references to the occurrence of uranium in our watershed, as well as a detailed mineral occurrences map. The Print version is also available from the Friends of the Tay Watershed.
      Clck here for the report.
  323. Project Porchlight Needs Volunteers
      Project Porchlight is a non-partisan, non-profit, campaign which will distribute over 500,000 free cfl bulbs across Ontario. This is a door-to-door campaign, providing a free bulb to each household. They are currently looking for volunteers to help them with this project. Volunteers may choose the street they wish to distribute to and are given bulbs and materials. You can get more information on their project by clicking here and information on how to volunteer in your area by clicking here.
  324. Source Water Protection Committee Members Announced
      The joint Mississippi Valley and Rideau Valley Source Protection Authority Boards of Directors have announced the names of 13 people appointed to the local Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Committee (SPC), including Carol Dillon, member of the Board of the Friends of the Tay Watershed.
      Click here for press release.
  325. Review of Watershed Discovery Evening
  326. "Watershed Discovery Evening" ~ 6:30pm, Thursday, October 18, 2007
  327. Honorary Patron for FoTW
      We are pleased to announce that the Honourable James Bartleman, former Lieutenant Governor for Ontario, has accepted the position of Honourary Patron of our association. Mr. and Mrs. Bartleman are new residents on the Little Tay in Perth.
  328. Tay River Watershed Groundwater Research
      Queen`s University (Department of Civil Engineering) is conducting innovative groundwater research in the Tay Watershed. Project leader Dr. Novakowski and his graduate students are conducting research in the areas of fluid flow and contaminant migration in fractured rock formations using a series of test wells in the area. This is an eight year study into several aspects of groundwater migration, rural contamination and sustainability, including investigations of nutrient management practices, groundwater recharge, bacterial and nitrate contamination, and groundwater - surface water interaction in a Canadian shield environment. They have set up a website to summarize and share their research to date with short project summaries and links to articles, posters and presentations (click here to access). It will updated a few times a year as new material becomes available.
  329. Check out your mineral rights
      Because there is considerable confusion about which properties have retained the mineral rights with surface rights, in Ontario, we have posted an explanation of how to determine this on the Internet ~ click here for further information.
  330. Radiant City Movie Invitation
      You are invited to attend a screening of the movie Radiant City to take place at the Port Elmsley Drive-In, on Wednesday, August 1, at 7:30 ~ click here for details.
  331. Native Plant Workshop
      Lake residents are invited to a free Native Plant Workshop at Tay Valley Township on Sat. June 23rd at 1:00 ~ click here for more details.
  332. More Doors Open News
      The Perth basin will host a range of interesting and entertaining events, including several presented by the Friends of the Tay Watershed ~ click here for more information.
  333. State of Otty Lake and Its Watershed
      The final version of the Report on the State of Otty Lake and its Watershed is now available ~ click here for details.
  334. TD Foundation Renews Support
  335. Door Open News
      The 'Friends' will be presenting many interesting activities at Perth's 'Doors Open' event this year at the Perth basin, between 10:00 and 4:00 on June 9th. Come and take part in tours of the Tay River and Perth marsh on magnificent 34' voyageur canoes, guided by wildlife experts (departure 2:00pm - small charge) - participate in rope making and a lot of fun with the 'Kettle Boys' entertainment booth - find out what is coming up next in the development of the historic Perth Tay Trail and its heritage signs - and obtain a range of information on protecting our watershed lakes and streams. More information on the voyageur canoe programs is available by clicking here and on 'Doors Open' by clicking here.
  336. Wee Lassie won by Ann Drennan
      The draw for the the 'Wee Lassie" canoe was held on the main stage of Maplefest at 4PM on Saturday, April 28 and the lucky winner was Ann Drennan of Tay Valley Township. On hearing the news, Ann proclaimed that this was the first thing she had ever won in her entire life. Many thanks to all participants in this fund raiser for the preservation of the Tay Watershed.
  337. Voyageur Canoe Tours Come to Perth
      Beginning June 15th, 90 minute eco-adventure tours begin at Fiddleheads. A guide in voyageur outfit greets guests and escorts the group down to the Tay Basin while providing a short historical walking tour. The tour then continues down the Tay River through historic Perth and beyond in 34 foot authentic replicas of the traditional voyageur canoe. For more information, click here.
  338. Haggart Island Dam Reconstruction ~ Final Design Report
      RVCA has released the final design report for the reconstruction of the dams around Haggart Island in Perth. The full report is available for viewing on the RCVA website by clicking here (large PDF - 8.98 MB), or in hard copy in the Perth Library. We have also scanned the covering letter and a few excerpts to give you a sense of the contents of the report ~ click here to access (formatting may differ from the original report).
  339. Watershed Briefs
  340. Spring Runoff ~ long range Outlook
  341. FoTW AGM
  342. Pike Lake Secures Support
      The Pike Lake Property Owners Association has been selected as the second lake to receive assistance under the Lake Management Planning Program for the Tay watershed area.
      Click here for media release.
  343. 2006 Environmental Awards
  344. Silent Auction details finalized.
  345. FoTW and Ottawa Riverkeeper establish cooperation, between the top and bottom of the Rideau watershed!
      The Ottawa Riverkeeper website has taken the unsolicited initiative to publicize the FoTW "Watershed Discovery Evening". We wish to thank for their initiative. Learn more about Ottawa Riverkeeper by clicking here.

  346. Friends of the Tay Watershed "Watershed Discovery Evening" ~ Thursday, November 23, 2006
  347. Shoreline Demonstration Site: Tay Valley Township, Harper Rd., Perth
    Date: April 25, 2006
    • Volunteers from the Friends of the Tay Watershed, EcoScapes and the Lanark County Stewardship Council came out today to install a Shoreline Demonstration site at the Tay Valley Township office on Harper Road, Perth, Ontario.

      The project, which was initiated by Tay Valley Township, Friends of the Tay Watershed (FoTW), and EcoScapes, will be used to demonstrate shoreline plants to residents and best management practices for maintaining lake and river shorelines. A variety of native trees and shrubs were planted on site to showcase what locally available native plant varieties would look like on individual properties. An interpretive sign on shoreline buffer zones, a wildflower garden and low or no maintenance grasses including a fescue mix and clover are also showcased at this site.

      Funding for this project was received from the Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) which is administered by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority. Other project partners include: Parks Canada, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority and the Lanark County Stewardship Council.

      Come check out the demonstration site in the near future! Work will be fully complete by the end of May, 2006.

  348. Omya Meeting ~ Feb. 7
    • This meeting was held to report on the water taking by Omya Canada from the Tay River during 2005. Omya was granted permission for the taking of water from the Tay, when the flow is greater than 1.0 cubic metres per second, at a rate not to exceed 1,483 cubic metres per day. As a condition of its permit, the company is required to engage the services of a qualified consultant to prepare an annual report on water taking. In summary, the report by Senior Consultant W. Edgar Watt concludes that Omya was in compliance with the terms and conditions of its Permit for the calendar year 2005. According to this report, at no time during the period of water taking did the streamflow fall to the cut-off value of 1.0 cubic metre per second, nor did the rate of water taking exceed 1,483 cubic metres per day. Click on the following links to see charts, taken from this report, depicting:

  349. 'The Friends and Local Partners Receive Shoreline Demonstration Site Grant'
      A grant of $2,836 has been received from the Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP) fund to develop a site in Tay Valley Township for demonstrating proper practices for maintaining lake and river shorelines. The project, which was initiated by Tay Valley Township as an information source for residents, will be managed by EcoScapes and the Friends in cooperation with the Township. Work will start in the spring on the site - to be located beside the Township offices on Harper Road. An official announcement will be made at that time. The RCWP fund is administered by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, EcoScapes is a new, local firm providing rural property consultation services on shoreline protection, and related environmental planning and design services.

  350. Second notice of the Friends of the Tay Watershed annual public open house and exhibition, to be held November 22, 2005; 7:00 to 9:00 pm; Royal Canadian Legion Hall, Perth (click here for full notice)

  351. Early notice of the Friends of the Tay Watershed annual public open house and exhibition (click here for full notice)

  352. In October 2005, the FoTW Board of Directors toured the water and sewage treatment plants of the Town of Perth (click here for related picture)

  353. Attached is a press release about a new service we are providing on our web site - a gallery of aerial photographs and other images covering the Tay watershed (click here for the press release) ~ now with an optional slide-show format.

  354. The Ontario Trillium Foundation has awarded a $96,000 grant to a five-organization collaborative, lead by the Friends of the Tay Watershed Association, for their Tay Watershed Lake Management Planning Program. The three-year grant will be used to develop a cooperative approach to assist lake associations to undertake their individual lake management plans. The consortium is composed of the Friends of the Tay Watershed Association, Otty Lake Association, Rideau Valley Conservation Authority, Tay Valley Township and the Community Stewardship Council of Lanark County. For more information:

  355. The Friends of the Tay Watershed have received a very generous donation from Nancy Kenyon of a St. Lawrence rowing skiff, originally constructed by Perth boat builder, Jack Walker. Pictured below are Nancy and her skiff in "dry Dock" and Nancy turning over her skiff to FoTW President, David Taylor.




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